package tasks::POTDPageCreator;
=begin metadata
Bot: AnomieBOT
Task: POTDPageCreator
BRFA: Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/AnomieBOT 77
Status: Approved 2017-02-10
Created: 2017-01-29
Create Template:POTD protected/YYYY-MM-DD two days before the corresponding
date, in time for it to be transcluded onto [[WP:Main Page/Tomorrow]].
=end metadata
use utf8;
use strict;
use AnomieBOT::Task;
use vars qw/@ISA/;
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
use Data::Dumper;
my $talk = 'Wikipedia talk:Picture of the day';
sub new {
my $class=shift;
my $self=$class->SUPER::new;
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
=for info
BRFA approved 2017-02-10<br />[[Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/AnomieBOT 77]]
sub approved {
return 2;
sub run {
my ($self, $api)=@_;
$api->task('POTDPageCreator', 0, 10, qw(d::Talk d::Nowiki));
my @now = gmtime;
if ( ( time % 86400 ) < 86400 - 7200 ) {
} else {
my $date = strftime( '%F', @now );
my $srcpage = "Template:POTD/$date";
my $page = "Template:POTD protected/$date";
my @edits = ();
my ($res, $fatal, $tok, $outtxt) = $self->process( $api, $page, $page, $srcpage );
return $res if $res;
if ( $outtxt=~s!^\s*\Q{{POTD/$date/{{#invoke:random|number|\E(\d+)\Q}}|{{{1|{{{style|default}}}}}}}}\E\s*!{{POTD protected/$date/{{#invoke:random|number|$1}}|{{{1|{{{style|default}}}}}}}}! ) {
my $n = $1;
for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++ ) {
my $srcpage2 = $srcpage . '/' . $i;
my $page2 = $page . '/' . $i;
my ($res2, $fatal, $tok2, $outtxt2) = $self->process( $api, $page, $page2, $srcpage2 );
return $res2 if $res2 && $fatal;
next if $res2;
unless ( $outtxt2=~s/^\s*\Q{{POTD {{{1|{{{style|default}}}}}}\E\s*\n/{{subst:POTD row|date=$date\n/ ) {
$api->warn( "$srcpage2 doesn't begin with expected wikitext\n$outtxt2" );
$api->whine( "[[$srcpage2]] has unexpected content", "While attempting to create [[$page]], I found that [[$srcpage2]] does not begin with <code><nowiki>{{POTD {{{1|{{{style|default}}}}}}</nowiki></code>. Please fix it, or create [[$page]] and its subpages manually.", Pagename => $talk );
return 60;
push @edits, [ $page2, $tok2, $outtxt2, "Creating protected version of a [[WP:POTD]] template by substing from {{[[$srcpage2|POTD/$date/$i]]|row}}" ];
push @edits, [ $page, $tok, $outtxt, "Creating protected version of a [[WP:POTD]] template by adjusting [[$srcpage]]" ];
} elsif ( $outtxt=~s/^\s*\Q{{POTD {{{1|{{{style|default}}}}}}\E\s*\n/{{subst:POTD row\n/ ) {
push @edits, [ $page, $tok, $outtxt, "Creating protected version of a [[WP:POTD]] template by substing from {{[[$srcpage|POTD/$date]]|row}}" ];
} else {
$api->warn( "$srcpage doesn't begin with expected wikitext\n$outtxt" );
$api->whine( "[[$srcpage]] has unexpected content", "While attempting to create [[$page]], I found that [[$srcpage]] does not begin with <code><nowiki>{{POTD {{{1|{{{style|default}}}}}}</nowiki></code> or <code><nowiki>{{POTD/$date/{{#invoke:random|number|<N>}}|{{{1|{{{style|default}}}}}}}}</nowiki></code>. Please fix it, or create [[$page]] manually.", Pagename => $talk );
return 60;
foreach my $edit (@edits) {
my ($page, $tok, $outtxt, $summary) = @$edit;
my $res = $api->edit($tok, $outtxt, $summary, 0, 1);
if($res->{'code'} ne 'success'){
$api->warn("Write for $page failed: " . $res->{'error'});
return 60;
$api->log("Created $page");
return $self->nexttime();
sub process {
my ( $self, $api, $mainpage, $page, $srcpage ) = @_;
my $tok = $api->edittoken( $page, EditRedir => 1 );
if($tok->{'code'} eq 'shutoff'){
$api->warn("Task disabled: " . $tok->{'content'} . "\n");
return (300, 1, undef, undef);
if($tok->{'code'} eq 'pageprotected'){
$api->warn("I'm too late for $page");
my $res = $api->query( titles => $page, formatversion => 2 );
if ( $res->{'query'}{'pages'}[0]{'missing'} // 0 ) {
my $andsub = $mainpage eq $page ? '' : ' and its subpages';
$api->whine( "[[$mainpage]] was not created", "It seems that I'm too late to create [[$page]], it's already protected. Please create it$andsub manually.", Pagename => $talk );
return ($self->nexttime(), 1, undef, undef);
return ($self->nexttime(), 0, undef, undef);
if($tok->{'code'} ne 'success'){
$api->warn("Failed to retrieve edit token for $page: " . $tok->{'error'});
return (60, 1, undef, undef);
unless( exists( $tok->{'missing'} ) ) {
$api->log("$page already exists, nothing to do");
return ($self->nexttime(), 0, undef, undef);
my $res = $api->query(
titles => $srcpage,
prop => 'revisions',
rvprop => 'content',
rvslots => 'main',
rvlimit => 1,
formatversion => 2,
if ( $res->{'query'}{'pages'}[0]{'missing'} // 0 ) {
$api->warn( "$srcpage is missing!" );
$api->whine( "[[$srcpage]] does not exist", "While attempting to create [[$mainpage]], I found that [[$srcpage]] does not exist. Please create it!", Pagename => $talk );
return (60, 1, undef, undef);
my $intxt = $res->{'query'}{'pages'}[0]{'revisions'}[0]{'slots'}{'main'}{'content'} // '';
# Act like preloading does
my ($outtxt,$nowiki) = $api->strip_nowiki($intxt);
$outtxt = join( '', $outtxt=~m!<onlyinclude>(.*?)</onlyinclude>!sg ) if $outtxt=~m!<onlyinclude>.*?</onlyinclude>!s;
$outtxt =~ s!<noinclude>.*?</noinclude>!!sg;
$outtxt =~ s!</?includeonly>!!g;
$outtxt =~ s!<(?:includeonly|noinclude)\s*/>!!g;
$outtxt = $api->replace_nowiki($outtxt, $nowiki);
return (0, 0, $tok, $outtxt);
sub nexttime {
my $t = 86400 - ( time % 86400 ) - 7200;
return $t < 60 ? 60 : $t;