Langbahn Team – Weltmeisterschaft

User:Alastair Haines/SongSources

1. Commentaries in Series

Bergent Dianne The Song of Songs Berit Olam Collegeville, Mn Liturgical Press 2001 Budde Karl Das Hohelied KHAT Freiburg im Breisgau Mohr 1898 Carr G Lloyd The Song of Solomon Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries Leicester, England Inter-Varsity Press 1984 Delitzsch F Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon James Martin Commentary on the Old Testament VI 1872 Grand Rapids William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 1980 Garrett Duane Song of Songs WBC 23B Nashville Word 2004 Gerleman Gillis Ruth. Das Hohelied BKAT Neukrirchen-Vluyn Neukirchener Verlag 1965 Haller Max Ruth, Hoheslied, Klagelieder, Esther HAT 18 Tübingen Mohr 1940 Harper Andrew The Song of Solomon with Introduction and Notes Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1907 Keel Othmar Das Hohelied ZBAT Zürich Theologischer Verlag 1986 Keel Othmar The Song of Songs Frederick J Gaiser Minneapolis Fortress Press 1994 Krinetzki Günter (=Leo) Kommentar zum Hohenlied BBET 16 Frankfurt am Main Peter Lang 1981 Krinetzki Günter (=Leo) Hoheslied Neue Echter Bibel Würzburg Echter Verlag 1980 Longman III Tremper The Song of Songs NICOT Grand Rapids William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 2001 Meek Theophile The Song of Songs Introduction and Exegesis IB 5 1956 91 148 Müller Hans-Peter Das Hohelied ATD 16/2 Göttingen Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1992 Murphy Roland E The Song of Songs A Commentary on the Book of Canticles or the Song of Songs Hermeneia Minneapolis Fortress Press 1990 Pope Marvin H Song of Songs A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary AB 7C Garden City, New York Doubleday 1977 Provan Iain W Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs NIVAC Grand Rapids Zondervan 2001 Ringgren Helmer Das Hohe Lied ATD 16 Göttingen Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1967 Rudolph Wilhelm Das Buch Ruth, Das Hohe Lied, Die Klagelieder KAT XVII, 1-3 Gütersloh Gerd Mohn 1962 Snaith John G The Song of Songs NCB Grand Rapids William B Eerdmans Publishing Company 1993 Weems Renita The Song of Songs Introduction, Commentary, and Reflections NIB 5 1997 361 434 Würthwein Ernst Ruth, Das Hohe Lied, Esther HAT 18 Tübingen Mohr 1969 Zakovitch Yair Das Hohelied HThKAT Freiburg Herder 2004

2. Monographs 3. Other Books 4. Journal Articles Aartun Kjell Textuberlieferung und vermeintliche Belege der Konjunktion pV im Alten Testamentum Ugarit-Forschungen 10 1978 1 13 Albrektson Bertil Singing or Pruning? Bible Translator 47 1996 109 114 Albrektson Bertil Sjunga eller beskara? Om oversattningsproblem i Hoga visan Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 63 1998 61 69 Albright William Foxwell The Syro-Mesopotamian God Sulman-Eshmun and Related Figures 0 Archiv für Orientforschungen 7 1932 164 169 Alden Robert L Song of Songs 8:12a Who said it? Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 31 1988 271 278 Alster Bendt The Manchester Tammuz 0 Acta Sumerologica 14 1992 1 46 Andinach Pablo R Critica de Salomon en el Cantar de los Cantares Revista biblica 53 1991 129 156 Angenieux J Le Cantique des Cantiques en huit chants a refrains alternants 0 Ephemerides theologicae lovanienses 44 1968 Angenieux J Les trois portraits du Cantique des Cantiques 0 Ephemerides theologicae lovanienses 42 1966 Angenieux J Structure du Cantique des Cantiques 0 Ephemerides theologicae lovanienses 41 1965 Araujo Herminio O corpo humano en questao Algumas reflexoes biblioteologicas y eticas Itinerarium 43 1997 441 493 Audet JP Le sens du Cantique des Cantiques Revue biblique 62 1955 197 221 Barbiero Gianni Die Liebe der Tochter Jerusalems Hld 3,10b MT im Kontext von 3,6-11 Biblische Zeitschrift 39 1995 Barbiero Gianni Die 'Wagen meines edlen Volkes' (Hld 6,12) Eine strukturelle Analyss Biblica 78 1997 Bardski Krzysztof Swiatynia Salomona w Targumie do Piesni nad piesniami 3,7-5,1 Collectanea theologica 70 2 2000 Bergant Diane 'My Beloved Is Mine and I Am His' (Song 2:16) The Song of Songs and Honor and Shame Semeia 68 1994 Bergant Diane The Song of Songs An Introduction Bible Today 36 1998 Black Fiona C Beauty or the Beast? The Grotesque Body in the Song of Songs Biblical Interpretation 8 2000 Blumenthal DR Where God Is Not The Book of Esther and the Song of Songs Judaism 173 1995 Boer R The Second Coming Repetition and Insatiable Desire in the Song of Songs Biblical Interpretation 8 2000 Bosshard-Nepustil E Zu Struktur und Sachprofil des Hohelieds Biblische Notizen 81 1996 Bossina Luciano I gemelli di Gazzella Revista degli studi orientali 73 1999 Brenner Athalya Aromatics and Perfumes in the Song of Songs 0 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 25 1983 Brenner Athalya Dodi sah we'dom (Cant 5:10-11) Beth Mikra 27 1981-82 Brenner Athalya A Note on Bat-Rabbim (Song of Songs vii 5) Vetus Testamentum 42 1992 Brenner Athalya To See Is to Assume Whose Love Is Celebrated in the Song of Songs? Biblical Interpretation 1 1993 Brin Gershon The Superlative in the Hebrew Bible Vetus Testamentum 42 1992 Broadribb Donald Thoughts on the Song of Solomon 0 Abr-Nahrain 3 1961 Brown John Pairman The Mediterranean Vocabulary of the Vine 0 Vetus Testamentum 19 1969 Broyde MJ Defilement of the Hands, and Song of Songs Judaism 173 1995 Budde Karl The Song of Songs 0 The New World 3 1894 Burns Camilla Human Love Bible Today 36 1998 Burrows MS Foundations for an Erotic Christology Anglican Theological Review 80 1998 Burrus Virginia Unsafe Sex Feminism, Pornography, and the Song of Songs Biblical Interpretation 11 2003 Buzy D La composition litteraire du Cantique des cantiques Revue biblique 49 1940 Cainion IJ An Analogy of the Song of Songs and Genesis Chapters Two and Three Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 14 2000 Calloud J Esquisse Semiotique et Bible 65 1992 43 60 Cantwell L The Allegory of the Canticle of Canticles Scripture 16 1964 76 93 Carr David McLain Ancient Sexuality and Divine Eros Union Seminary Quarterly Review 53 2000 1 18 Carr David McLain Falling in Love with God Bible Today 36 1998 153 158 Carr David McLain Gender and the Shaping of Desire in the Song of Songs and Its Interpretations 0 Journal of Biblical Literature 119 2000 233 244 Carr G Lloyd The Old Testament Love Songs and Their Use in the New Testament Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 24 1981 97 105 Charbel A Come tradurre "'eskol hak-kofer" (Cant. 1,14)? Bibbia e oriente 20 1978 61 64 Civil M The 'Message of Lu-dingir-ra to His Mother' and a Group of Akkado-Hittite Proverbs Journal of Near Eastern Studies 23 1964 1 11 Clines David JA Why Is There a Song of Songs and What Does It Do to You If You Read It? Jiandao-xuekan 1 1994 1 27 Cogan Mordecai "... From the Peak of Amanah" Israel Exploration Journal 34 1984 255 259 Cooper Jerrold S New Cuneiform Parallels to the Song of Songs 0 Journal of Biblical Literature 90 1971 157 162 Cottini V Linguaggio erotico nel Cantico dei Cantici e in Proverbi Liber annuus 40 1990 25 45 Dahood Mitchell Canticle 7,9 and UT 52, 61 0 Biblica 57 1976 109 110 Dahood Mitchell Hebrew tamrurim and timarot Orientalia 46 1977 385 385 Dahood Mitchell Philological Observations on Five Biblical Texts Biblica 63 1982 390 394 Dales George F Necklaces, Bands and Belts on Mesopotamian Figurines 0 Revue d'assyriologie et d'archeologie orientale 57 1963 21 40 Davidson Richard M The Literary Structure of the Song of Songs Redivivus 0 Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 14 2003 44 65 Dempsey Carol J Metaphorical Language and the Expression of Love Bible Today 36 1998 164 169 Dirksen PB Song of Songs III 6-7 0 Vetus Testamentum 39 1989 219 225 Di Vito Robert A Old Testament Anthropology and the Construction of Personal Identity Catholic Biblical Quarterly 61 1999 217 238 Dobbs-Allsopp FW Ingressive qwm in Biblical Hebrew Zeitschrift für Althebraistik 8 1995 31 54 Dorsey David A Literary Structuring in the Song of Songs 0 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 46 1990 81 96 Driver Godfrey Rolles Lice in the Bible Palestine Exploration Quarterly 106 1974 159 160 Driver Godfrey Rolles Birds in the Old Testament II. Birds in Life Palestine Exploration Quarterly 87 1955 81 96 Driver Godfrey Rolles Hebrew Notes 0 Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 52 1934 51 56 Driver Godfrey Rolles Problems and Solutions 0 Vetus Testamentum 4 1954 225 245 Driver Godfrey Rolles Studies in the Vocabulary of the Old Testament 0 Journal of Theological Studies 31 1930 275 284 Driver Godfrey Rolles Studies in the Vocabulary of the Old Testament II 0 Journal of Theological Studies 32 1931 250 257 Driver Godfrey Rolles Studies in the Vocabulary of the Old Testament VI 0 Journal of Theological Studies 34 1933 375 385 Driver Godfrey Rolles Studies in the Vocabulary of the Old Testament VII 0 Journal of Theological Studies 35 1934 380 393 Driver Godfrey Rolles Supposed Arabisms in the Old Testament 0 Journal of Biblical Literature 55 1936 101 120 Lunn Edmee Kingsmill The Song of Songs and the Cutting of Roots Anglican Theological Review 80 1998 547 561 Eichner Jens 'Die Teiche von Hesbon' Biblische Notizen 109 2001 Elliott M Timothea Ethics and Aesthetics in the Song of Songs Tyndale Bulletin 45 1994 Eslinger Lyle The Case of an Immodest Lady Wrestler in Deuteronomy XXV 11-12 0 Vetus Testamentum 12 1981 269 281 Exum J Cheryl Assertive 'al in Canticles 1,6? 0 Biblica 62 1981 416 419 Exum J Cheryl A Literary and Structural Analysis of the Song of Songs 0 Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 85 1973 47 79 Exum J Cheryl Seeing Solomon's Palanquin (Song of Songs 3:6-11) 0 Biblical Interpretation 11 2003 301 316 Exum J Cheryl How Does the Song of Songs Mean? On Reading the Poetry of Desire Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 64 1999 47 63 Feuillet Andre La double insertion du Cantique des cantiques dans la vie de la communaute chretienne et dans la tradition religieuse de l'Ancien Testament Divinitas 35 1991 Feuillet Andre Le drama d'amour du Cantique des cantiques remis en son contexte prophetique Nova et vetera 49 1987 Feuillet Andre La formule d'appartenance mutuelle (ii,16) et les interpretations divergentes du Cantique des cantiques Revue biblique 68 1961 Feuillet Andre Perspectives nouvelles a propos de l'interpretation du Cantique des cantiques Divinitas 34 1990 Feuillet Andre S'asseoir a l'ombre' de l'epoux (Os., xiv,8a et Cant., ii,3) Revue biblique 78 1971 Fleming Daniel Mari's Large Public Tent and the Priestly Tent Sanctuary Vetus Testamentum 50 2000 Fox Michael V Scholia to Canticles (i 4b, ii 4, 14ba, iv 3, v 8, vi 12) Vetus Testamentum 33 1983 Fox Michael V Unsought Discoveries Hebrew Studies 19 1978 Frettloch Magadelene O Amor e forte como a morte Fragmenta de cultura 12 2002 Frolov Serge No Return for Shulamite Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 110 1998 Gall A von Jeremias 43,12 und das Zeitwort 'th Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 24 1904 Garbini Giovanni Note linguistico-filologiche (Cantico vi,9; Salmo xx,6; 1 Re vii,6) Henoch 4 1982 Gaster TH Canticles i.4 Expository Times 72 1960-61 Gaster TH What 'The Song of Songs' Means Commentary 13 1952 Goitein SD Ayumma Kannidgalot (Song of Songs vi.10) 0 Journal of Semitic Studies 10 1965 Goitein SD Women as Creators of Biblical Genres 0 Prooftexts 8 1988 Good Edwin M Ezekiel's Ship Some Extended Mataphors in the Old Testament Semitics 1 1970 Goodspeed Edgar J The Shulammite 0 American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures 50 1934 Gordis Robert The Root LGD in the Song of Songs Journal of Biblical Literature 88 1969 Gordon Cyrus Asymmetric Janus Parallelism Eretz-Israel 16 1982 Gordon Cyrus New Directions 0 Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 15 1978 Görg Manfred 'Kanale' oder 'Zweige' in Hld 4,13? 0 Biblische Notizen 72 1993 Görg Manfred Lexikalisches zu HL 5,11 Biblische Notizen 21 1983 Görg Manfred Eine Salbenbezeichnun in HL 1,3 Biblische Notizen 38 and 39 1987 Görg Manfred Die 'Sanfte Salomos' nach HL 3,9f Biblische Notizen 18 1982 Görg Manfred 'Travestie' im Hohen Lied Biblische Notizen 21 1983 Grave Cecilia Northwest Semitic Sapanu in a Break-up of an Egyptian Stereotype Phrase in EA 147 Orientalia 51 1982 Greenfield Jonas C Review Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 1965 Greenfield Jonas C Ugaritic mdl and Its Cognates 0 Biblica 45 1964 Grossberg Daniel Canticles 3:10 in the Light of a Homeric Analogue and Biblical Poetics 0 Biblical Theology Bulletin 11 1981 Grossberg Daniel Sexual Desire: Abstract and Concrete Hebrew Studies 22 1981 Grossberg Daniel Two Kinds of Sexual Relationships in the Hebrew Bible Hebrew Studies 35 1994 Gruber Mayer I Ten Dance-Derived Expressions in the Hebrew Bible Biblica 62 1981 Hallo William W 'As the Seal upon Thy Heart' 0 Bible Review 1 1985 Hallo William W For Love Is Strong as Death Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University 22 1993 Hansen Eric The Hidden History of a Scented Wood Aramco World Nov Dec 2000 3 11 Hess Richard S Eden – a Well-Watered Place Bible Review 7 6 1991 Holman Richard S Pleidooi voor een onderaards Hooglied Tijdschrift voor theologie 37 1997 Honeyman AM Two Contributions to Canaanite Toponymy Journal of Theological Studies 50 1949 Hostetter Edwin Mistranslation in Cant 1:5 Andrews University Seminary Studies 34 1996 Hunter Jannie H The Song of Protest Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 90 2000 Hyman Ronald T The Multiple Function of 'How' in the Tanakh Dor le Dor 18 1989-90 Jakobsen Roman Grammatical Parallelism and Its Russian Facet Language 42 1966 Janzen J Gerald The Character of the Calf and Its Cult in Exodus 32 Catholic Biblical Quarterly 52 1990 Kitchen Kenneth A Lotuses and Lotuses, or ... Poor Susan's Older than We Thought Varia Aegyptiaca 3 1987 Landy Francis Beauty and the Enigma An Enquiry into Some Interrelated-Episodes of the Song Of Songs Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 17 1980 55 106 Landy Francis In Defence of Jakobsen Journal of Biblical Literature 111 1992 105 113 Landy Francis The Song Of Songs, And The Garden Of Eden Journal of Biblical Literature 98 1971 513 528 Lapsley Jaqueline E Feeling Our Way Love for God in Deuteronomy Catholic Biblical Quarterly 65 2003 350 369 Lemaire Andre Zamir dans la tablette de Gezer et le Cantique des cantiques Vetus Testamentum 25 1975 15 26 Linafelt Tod Biblical Love Poetry (... and God) Journal of the American Academy of Religion 70 2002 Loader JA Exegetical Erotica to Canticles 7:2-6 Journal for Semitics 10 1998-2001 Long Gary Alan A Lover; Cities, and Heavenly Godies Co-Text and the Translation of Two Similies in Canticles Journal of Biblical Literature 115 1996 Lundbom Jack R Song of Songs 3:1-4 Interpretation 49 1995 Malul Meir Janus Parallelism in Biblical Hebrew Two More Cases Biblische Zeitschrift 41 1997 May Herbert G Some Cosmic Connotations of Mayim Rabbim, 'Many Waters' Journal of Biblical Literature 74 1955 Meek Theophilus J Babylonian Parallels to the Song of Songs Journal of Biblical Literature 43 1924 Meek Theophilus J Canticles and the Tammuz Cult American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures 34 1922-23 Meyers Carol Gender Imagery in the Song of Songs Hebrew Annual Review 10 1986 Miller Cynthia A Linguistic Approach to Ellipsis in Biblical Poetry (Or, What to Do When Exegesis of What Is There Depends on What Isn't) Bulletin for Biblical Research 13 2003 Montgomery James E Ras Shamra Notes IV: The Conflict of Baal and the Waters Journal of the American Oriental Society 55 1935 Morfino Mauro Maria Il Cantico dei Cantici e il patto elettivo Possibili connessioni Theologica et historica 5 1996 Muller Hans-Peter Begriffe menschlicher Theomorphie Zeitschrift für Althebraistik 1 1988 Muller Hans-Peter Ein althebraisches Paradigma poetischer Sprache Zeitschrift für Althebraistik 1 1988 Muller Hans-Peter Menschen, Landschaften und religiose Erinnerungsreste Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 91 1994 Muller Hans-Peter Der Mond und die Plejaden Vetus Testamentum 51 2001 Muller Hans-Peter Travestien und geistige Landschaften Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 109 1997 Murphy Roland E Form-Critical Studies in the Song of Songs Interpretation 27 1973 Murphy Roland E History of Exegesis as a Hermeneutical Tool Biblical Theology Bulletin 16 1986 Murphy Roland E Towards a Commentary on the Song of Songs Catholic Biblical Quarterly 39 1977 Ndoga SS Is the Woman in the Song of Songs Really That Free? Hervormde teologiese studies 56 2000 Ogden Graham Some Translational Issues in the Song of Songs Bible Translator 41 1990 Orel Vladimir Textological Notes 3-4 On Golden Mice of Philistines and King David in the Song of Songs Henoch 16 1994 Paula Pedro Enilda Debajo del manzano te desnude ... Revista de interpretacion biblica latino-americano 37 3 2000 Phipps William The Plight of the Song of Songs Journal of the American Academy of Religion 42 1974 Pilch John J A Window into the Biblical World Biblical Language and Biblical English Bible Today 37 1999 Polaski DC What Will Ye See in the Shulammite? Women, Power, and Panopticism in the Song of Songs Biblical Interpretation 5 1997 Pope Marvin H A Mare in Pharaoh's Chariotry Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 200 1970 Pope Marvin H Response to Sasson on the Sublime Song Maarav 2 1980 Poulssen N Vluchtwegen in Hooglied 8,14 Over de meerzinnigheid van een slotvers Bijdragen tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 50 1989 Rabbe Paul R Deliberate Ambiguity in the Psalter Journal of Biblical Literature 110 1991 Ratzhabi Yehudah Biblical Euphemisms for Human Genitals Beth Mikra 34 1989-90 Reich Ronny Light at the End of the Tunnel Biblical Archaeology Review 25 1 1999 Rochettes Jacqueline des Les mots du Cantique Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique 102 2001 Rundgren F prywn Tragsessel, Sanfte Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 74 1962 Sasson Jack M On M. H. Pope's Song of Songs [AB 7C] Maarav 1 1979 Sasson Jack M Unlocking the Poetry of Love in the Song of Songs Bible Review 1 1985 Sasson Victor King Solomon and the Dark Lady in the Song of Songs Vetus Testamentum 39 1989 Schroeder C 'A Love Song' Psalm 45 in the Light of Ancient Near Eastern Marriage Texts Catholic Biblical Quarterly 58 1996 Selms Adrianus van Hosea and Canticles Die Oud-Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suid-Afrika 7-8 1966 Sivan Daniel Pivot Words or Expressions in Biblical Hebrew and Ugaritic Poetry Vetus Testamentum 48 1998 Soden Wolfram van Die Nominalform taqtul im Hebraischen und Aramaischen Zeitschrift für Althebraistik 2 1989 Soulen Richard The Wasfs of the Song of Songs and Hermeneutic Journal of Biblical Literature 86 1967 Tournay Raymond Jacques Abraham et le Cantique des cantiques Vetus Testamentum 25 1971 Tournay Raymond Jacques Les chariots d'Aminadab (Cant. vi 12) Israel, peuple theophore Vetus Testamentum 9 1959 Tournay Raymond Jacques The Song of Songs and Its Concluding Section Immanuel 10 1980 Tuell Steven S A Riddle Resolved by an Enigma Hebrew WLG and Ugaritic GLT Journal of Biblical Literature 112 1993 Vaccari Alberto Note critiche ed esegetiche Biblica 28 1947 Villiers DW de Function and Translation A Twosome in the Song of Songs Old Testament Essays 2 1989 Viviers H Die besweringsrefrein in Hooglied 2:7, 3:5 en 8:4 Skrif en Kerk 10 1989 Waldman NM A Note on Canticles 4.9 Journal of Biblical Literature 89 1970 Walsh Carey Ellen A Startling Voice Woman's Desire in the Song of Songs Biblical Theology Bulletin 28 1998 Watson Wilfred GE Love and Death Once More (Song of Songs viii 6) Vetus Testamentum 47 1997 Watson Wilfred GE A Note on Staircase Parallelism Vetus Testamentum 33 1983 Webb Barry G The Song of Songs A Love Poem as Holy Scripture Reformed Theological Review 49 1990 Wetzstein JG Die syrische Dreschtafel 0 Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 5 1873 Zolli Eugenio In margine al Cantico dei Cantici 0 Biblica 21 1940 273 282