About me
The Real AgentOrangeTabby is a 16 year-old, 19-lb lug named Oz, whom I adopted 9 years ago from the Montgomery County, MD animal shelter. He is the cat ♥love♥ of my life.
Otherwise, I'm a psychiatric nurse practitioner who's into:
- Geriatric psych, spirituality, grief & hospice, addiction treatment & personality disorders
- Bread baking & dressing salads from scracth
- Sewing (1977 Bernina)
- Container gardening (zone 6.5)
- Photography (Nikon)
- Guitar gods (Mark Knopfler, old ZZTop, Ry Cooder, David Gilmour, Frank Zappa, JJ Cale, Team Stones instead of Zepplin)
- Bird watching (chickadees; titmice; finches; downy woodpeckers; nuthatches)
- Mix-media collage (acrylic & newsprint)
- Persian rugs, art deco & Mission designs
- Breaking Bad (Team Walt)
- Independent film & documentaries (especially Spanish fantasy & surrealism)
- True-crime writing (Ann Rule, Norman Mailer)
- Understanding right-wing ideology, religious fundamentalism, and other cultural aspects of the American underbelly
- Driving my Subaru stick shift around in winter weather
Maybe one day I'll go back to school & study psychiatric anthropology, sociology or education. Ideally, I'd spend a little bit of time every day teaching, writing & at the bedside. I'm a Myers Briggs ENTP and have no interest in professionally supervising or managing people ever.