Quote of the Day
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." ~ Arthur Schopenhauer
Good articles
Here's a good article on stem-cell therapy for horses.....
I started wiki-editing on February 14th, 2008, purely out of boredom. I am bored no more! Wikipedia is a fascinating world; a combination of a live, real-time soap opera and a full-contact sport. Not for the weak of stomach!
Things I have learned in my first week on Wikipedia (!)
- Editors on wikipedia know everything there is to know about every subject. Do not bother to try to discuss with an open mind. A fresh perspective is not appreciated and should be kept in check.
- Editors on wikipedia come out swinging! Very few ask nicely first.
- Most editors would rather insult/belittle/condescend/harrass/disrupt than be helpful.
- The best defense is a good offense. If you think you may have been dissed, be sure to leave the offender a lenghty comment on their talk page pontificating about why they are so obtuse. Extra points: compare the person to an animal.
- One needs to have a thick skin here on wiki. This is no place for delicate souls with weak stomachs. If you aren't able to withstand insults flying in from three directions at once, you might want to try something else.
- Wiki policy is seldom adhered to, except when an editor is hiding behind it to insult your intelligence/harass you.
- Learn to use warning tags and images quickly, so you can fill up other editors talk pages with them when you threaten them.
- Wiki policy of a 'spirit of cooperation' and supporting fellow editors is as rare as a grulla Connemara.
- Do not attempt to edit subjects with which you have extensive experience/knowledge. Stick to subjects with which you are only marginally familiar, and then regurgitate the information from the Oxford English Dictionary.
If you can accept these rules, you should have no problem here on Wikipedia! Oh, and Newbies, beware! The
vultures other editors will be circling within minutes of your arrival to let you know how incompetant you are. Good luck!
Useful bits of info and references
"On Wikipedia, however, the term "refactoring" is often used to mean any changes to a talk page to improve its readability."
"RfCs brought solely to harass or subdue an adversary are not permitted. Repetitive, burdensome, or unwarranted filing of meritless RfCs is an abuse of the dispute resolution process. RfC is not a venue for personal attack."