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Template for reference to the Arbeiter-Zeitung with link to the online edition
The Viennese Arbeiter-Zeitung, the party organ of the SPÖ, is one of the few German-language newspapers of the post-war period, which offers a freely accessible, almost complete on-line archive: The vintages from 1945 to 1989 are available and lend themselves to links to up-to-date coverage of events from those years.
The page is optional, default is 1. This should look like this:
Title. In: Arbeiter-Zeitung. - Day. month Year, Page. Page.
{{Arbeiter-Zeitung|Berni Rauter hat den Bann gebrochen|1970|1|4|12}}
Berni Rauter hat den Bann gebrochen. In: Arbeiter-Zeitung. - 4. Jänner 1970, Page. 12.