Last Squad Standing
Last Squad Standing is a competition reality television series that premiered on Oxygen Media where three groups of friends from across America live together and compete in a series of physical challenges for a chance to take home $100,000. Each week, the losing team is forced to determine which members of the squad will be put up for elimination, and members of the winning team then vote for who leaves. At the end of the season, the squad that has the most members remaining earns the grand prize. Among the squads is Ciera Nicole Butts, Miss District of Columbia USA 2014.[1]
Contestants | Team Name | Outcome | Place |
Ciera, Colby, Davrielle, Fred, Ivy | The Empire | 1st | |
Mike, Armond, Charmaine, Nastashia, Nikia | The Detroit Players | 2nd | |
Caroline, Kaitlyn, Jay, Steven, Gia | Jersey Bosses | 3rd |
Ep | Title | Air Date | Viewers (Millions) |
Eliminated | |
1 | Ride or Die | November 1, 2016 | N/A | Steven | |
2 | For Love or Squad | November 8, 2016 | N/A | Ivy | |
3 | Frenemies | November 15, 2016 | N/A | Fred | |
4 | Game On | November 22, 2016 | N/A | Caroline | Armond |
5 | Girl Code | November 29, 2016 | N/A | Colby | |
6 | Squad is Crumbling | December 6, 2016 | N/A | Ciera | Nastashia |
7 | Bros Before Squads | December 13, 2016 | N/A | Nikia | |
8 | Getting Played | December 20, 2016 | N/A | Gia | |
9 | The Bitch is Back | December 27, 2016 | N/A | Charmaine | Kaitlyn |
10 | The $100,000 Decision | January 3, 2017 | N/A |
- ^ "Last Squad Standing is About to Give You a Major Case of Squad Envy". E! Online. NBC Universal. 7 September 2016. Retrieved 8 September 2016.