Index of standards articles Articles related to standards include: A Advanced Audio Coding Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI ANSI C standard library ASCII ASN.1 avoirdupois B barcode BASIC programming language British Standards Institution Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) C CCITT CEN character encoding character set Coding standard color space Common Criteria Computer display standard Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM) configuration management country codes D Data Encryption Standard de facto standard de jure Defense Standard DIN DSSSL Charles Benjamin Dudley E EAN EBCDIC ETSI Extended Industry Standard Architecture F Federal Information Processing Standard Federal standard Federal standard 1037C FIPS G Global Trade Item Numbering (GTIN) Gold Standard Act H History of Weights and Measures I International Electrotechnical Commission IEEE IETF Imperial units Industry Standard Architecture Interface standard International standard Internet standard ISBN International Organization for Standardization List of ISO standards ISO 4217 currency codes ISSN ITS-90 ITU-R ITU-T IUPAC J JIS JPEG JPEG 2000 K Kansas City standard L List of international common standards M Metrology MIL-SPEC MPEG MPEG-1 MPEG-2 MPEG-4 N National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST O open standard operational definition P paper size Particle physics standard model POSIX preferred numbers project management QQi (standard) R Rail gauge S SCC SGML SI Swedish Standards Institute speed of light Standard accounting practice Standard data model Standard gauge Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) standardization system of units T Technical standard U UCS Unicode UPC UTC W W3C Weights and measures WGS-84 Indices General reference Culture and the arts Geography and places Health and fitness History and events Law Mathematics and logic Natural and physical sciences People and self Philosophy and thinking Religion and belief systems Society and social sciences Technology and applied sciences