A Festenummer or Lease number[1] is part of a unit in the Norwegian property register. The abbreviation is Fnr.
Each municipality is divided into a certain number of Gårdsnummers . Each Gårdsnummer is further divided into Bruksnummers. Under a Bruksnummer, a Festenummer can be established as an independent unit that can be traded and pledged . The festenummer indicates that the property is a rental plot, where an annual rental fee is paid to the owner of the Bruksnummer.
A common way of writing a land registry designation is for example. 17/235/2, where 17 is the Gårdsnummer, 235 is the Bruksnummer and 2 is the Festenummer. Another way of writing is Gnr 17, Bnr. 235, Fnr 2.
Land Register Hierarchy
- - Fylkesnummer
- - Kommunenummer
- Gnr. – Gårdsnummer
- Bnr. – Bruksnummer
- Fnr. – Festenummer
- Snr. – Seksjonsnummer
- Bnr. – Bruksnummer
- Gnr. – Gårdsnummer
- - Kommunenummer