Ippolito Baccusi – Psalmi omnes qui a S. Romana Ecclesia in solemnitatibus ad vesperas decantari solent..., for eight voices (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino), also includes two Magnificats
Hora prima di recreazione, first book of canzonettas for three voices (Venice: Ricciardo Amadino)
First book of madrigals for four voices (Venice)
Joachim a Burck – Die Historia des Leidens Jesu Christi auss dem Evangelisten S. Luca (The Story of the Passion of Jesus Christ by the Evangelist St. Luke) for five voices (Mühlhausen: Hieronymous Reinhard)
Sethus Calvisius – Harmonia cantionum ecclesiasticarum for four voices (Leipzig: Jacob Apel), a collection of Lutheran hymns
Geistlicher Lieder auff den Choral oder gemeine Kirchen Melodey for five voices, in two volumes (Königsberg: Georg Osterberger)
Echo for eight voices (Königsberg, Georg Osterberger), a wedding song
Epithalamion(Ein Sprichwort ist) for six voices (Königsberg, Georg Osterberger), a wedding song
Giovanni Gabrieli – Sacrae Symphoniae, Book 1, for six to sixteen voices and instruments (Venice: Angelo Gardano)
Jacobus Gallus – Sacrae cantiones de praecipuis festis per totum annum for four, five, six, eight, and more voices (Nuremberg: Alexander Philipp Dieterich), a collection of motets, published posthumously