The "420 Collaboration" celebrates (clockwise from upper left) cannabis history (hemp in World War II); politics (US legalization); religion (Rasta man); and culture (420 Day).
WikiProject Cannabis' second annual "420 Collaboration" took place during April 2018, and especially on April 20. The purpose of the collaboration is to create and improve cannabis-related content at Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects in a variety of fields, including: culture, health, hemp, history, medicine, politics, and religion.
Don Briere, Canada's "most prolific marijuana producer and distributor"
Dina Browner, proprietor, Alternative Herbal Health Services; founder, Freedom Grow; rumored to be the inspiration for Nancy Botwin’s character on Weeds
Paula Overby, Minnesota cannabis activist who died following surgery for a heart valve condition, in 2022, while running as a marijuana party candidate for US Congress
Joe Ptak, Texas activist, politician, one of the San Marcos 7
Michka Seeliger-Chatelain, co-author of Le Dossier vert, d'une drogue douce (published under Michka Verlomme) & The Organic Grow Book & Medical Cannabis, co-founder of Mama Éditions publishing firm, has Sensei Seeds strain named for her
Zeal Stefanoff, Texas hemp advocate, Vietnam veteran and environmental activist, one of the San Marcos 7
Oliver Steinberg (image), anti-war movement, DFL Party, LGBTQ rights movement, and marijuana legalization movement agent provocateur; a Yippie activist during Viet Nam era, caught making firebombs and arrested in 1972 after shooting a police officer; in 1996 Steinberg was kicked out of Minnesota Grassroots Party (a party he helped to found 10 years earlier) for troublemaking, according to St. Paul Pioneer Press; author of "Let's eradicate marijuana from our vocabulary," first published in Holy Smoke; testified in 2023 against Minnesota Legal Marijuana Now! Party (another independent political party he played a role in creating, more than a decade earlier) before the Minnesota House and Senate, calling his former comrades bad names. Source
Reddit trees, a phenomenon of the social media platform that the trees sub-reddit is about cannabis, and the sub-reddit page titled "marijuana enthusiasts" is about arborists. In addition to that, a distinctive pineapple design evolved, which is now a code-symbol for cannabis.
Reeferphobia, defined as: an aversion to, dislike of, or prejudice against cannabis consumers, or an irrational fear of marijuana law reform. Not to be confused with "reefer madness," the fictional movie illness.
Grass, one of the most commonly used slang names for cannabis. During the 1968 US presidential election, supporters of Eugene McCarthy campaigned with the slogan, "Kennedy has the grass, McCarthy has the roots."
Ma (cannabis), Chinese word, the oldest name for cannabis, predates written history, ma is the root of the English word hemp and the German word hanf, etc., and the origins of words including the Greek name cannabis and the Mexican-American name marihuana can be traced back to ma. An excellent stub for an article about the word ma was recently deleted
Mary Jane (cannabis), a very widely used slang name for cannabis (variations include MJ)
Pakalolo, a Hawaiian slang name for marijuana or "crazy tobacco"
Pot (cannabis) (image), a commonly-used slang name for marijuana, possibly originating from the Spanish potiguaya
Potiguaya, Spanish word for cannabis, possibly derived from potacion de guaya, thought to be the origin of the slang name "pot."
Reefer (cannabis), widely used slang term for cannabis with a long history (possibly derived from reefing, or rolling up a canvas sail; or the word might have roots in the Mexican Spanish term for cannabis grifa)
Tea (cannabis), a slang name for marijuana dating to the Jazz Era, popularized in the 1950s by Jack Kerouac in novels such as On the Road. The commonly used term, particularly in the UK, was the basis for a name, The Tea Set, used by the psychedelic rock band Pink Floyd before the group changed their name in the mid-1960s. (A tea party is slang for a cannabis get-together, and a tea set is a hookah.)
Cannabis extract, distinguish from Cannabis concentrate (Extract is the broader term, including tinctures and other products which are not concentrated extracts, or "concentrates.")
List of controversial cannabis strain names, several names for cannabis strains have been banned by U.S. state and local governments over the years, including Charlotte’s Web, Girl Scout Cookies, and Grape Ape
Note: Articles with small two-letter clickable blue links following them indicate an article which exists on other language Wikipedias, but not English Wikipedia, like so: Cannabis Social Club Français [fr]
Katie (drug), supposedly "something smokeable like synthetic marijuana, or simply a cigarette" or "even banana leaves" plus Raid bug spray; might be a cannabis hoax
Cannabis and Islam: needs early history of Islamic prohibitions, examples of groups (Sufis?) which use cannabis, and modern rulings on medical cannabis
Cannabis and Judaism: expand for more modern halakhic rulings (and earlier ones?) and for "cannabis seder"
Cannabis rights: needs expansion of "Cannabis rights and religious use" section, and new section(s) about cannabis consumers' gun ownership rights, etc., see potential sources on Talk page
Contributors interested in freely usable media and photography can upload content to Wikimedia Commons. There are plenty of cannabis-related categories to improve. Some of the following subcategories may be of particular interest: