Upcoming Changes
- A backend
- Blocks
- A Quick Actions Menu
Latest Changes
Changes in 0.81
- Fix bug that would shift the settings icon off the side of the display in some monitors, making it "Invisible"
- Only allow one dropdown to be open at once
- Make using the arrow keys to navigate the feed a setting that is turned off by default
- Fix a bug that stopped some characters from being typed in the search bar
- Make sure dropdowns are positioned properly
- Fix bug that stopped you from being able to delete pages
Changes in 0.8
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Fixed a bug where igloo would attempt to open special pages from the search box
- Now hides revisions from feed after the user clicked on them
- Immediately load RecentChanges when the igloo leaves its loader
- Added Settings Module
- Added CSD/Delete Module
- Added agf keyboard shortcut (g)
- Allow you to browse feed with up/down arrows
- igloo warns you if you are going to revert an admin
- Added Logger for igloo
- All dropdowns now use iglooDropdown
- Changed loading process for script to make it better
Changes in 0.7
- When warning a user, igloo adds a linebreak between the header and message text as well as between the current message and previous message
- Profanity Filter added
- Custom reverts/Multiple reverts added
- Keyboard Shortcuts added
- Moved non user-specific settings to iglooConfiguration
- igloo now alerts you when you search for a non-existent page
- igloo now tells you the function of the revert and history buttons when you hover over them
- igloo's search box has the placeholder search added to it
Changes in 0.6
- Launched to Wikipedia
- Added Welcome Message
- Emphasized toolbar links
behind the scenes:
- Handled imports from different branches better to optimize development
Changes in 0.5
Proper changelogs start here
- loading system to check for proper requirements before opening igloo
- Toolbar links
- Added most of the code for the welcome message
- Added extra info to diffs, like user who made the change, summary, and timestamps
Changes in 0.4
- igloo Search
Changes in 0.3
- Archives module for viewing past diffs
Changes in 0.2
- History Module
Changes in 0.1
- Minimum-viable product: Consisted of rollback button, basic diff view and RC ticker
In Development
the details in this section are not set; this is merely a list of things that I hope to achieve before a general release of the program
page history: igloo will have an interface for browsing through a page history, and possibly for browsing through user contributions as well. Edits will be correctly flagged by iglooNet in these situations.doneenhanced history: currently, it is possible to revisit diffs once you have left them, but not to move 'forward' through the history again. This should be possible.donebrowsing: it should be possible to visit a page directly through the igloo interface, without it appearing in recent changes.donewarning messages: igloo should link to the diff of the change made by the user in its warning messages.doneuser preferences: users should be able to configure a number of settings, including: adding own warnings, feed limits, custom filters, custom colouring, status bar notifications etc.done- more settings will come but framework and basic settings existCSD tagging: igloo will be able to place CSD tags on pages.Done- administration features: blocking. If the program user is an administrator, igloo will be able to block users directly rather than reporting them to AIV. working
- feed filters: the feed filter system should be set up, so that users can apply their choices of what to view in the program feed.
- undo: igloo should maintain a list of recent vandalism reversions by each user, and allow them to undo all actions relating to the reversion. This should also remove the user from the iglooNet database.
- various warnings: igloo will be able to issue multiple types of warning, rather than being limited to vandalism warnings. These will be issued through a user interface, and can be sent with or without a revert.
- page history #2: it should be possible to restore any edit in the page history, without using rollback in these situations.
- rollback: this requires a system of non-rollback rollback. Remove the rollback requirement..?
- AIV enhancements. igloo should improve its AIV reports, providing blocking administrators with more information, such as recently vandalised pages.
- contribs: it should be possible to view a list of user contribs, perhaps with a link next to their name. These contribs appear and can be viewed in the igloo interface.