For issues relating to my bot: post here or on my bot's talk page.
For requests for work to be done by my bot: Post on the request page.
Nol888's User Talk Page
To keep conversations together, I will generally reply on this page to messages left here. If you would prefer that I reply on your talkpage or elsewhere, please feel free to let me know.
To sign a message, move the cursor to the end of the message, and then with your mouse click on
the signature icon () in the toolbar at the top of the edit box.
This inserts the signature code (~~~~) where the cursor is.
When you save the page, these tilde characters are converted to your signature followed by a date stamp.
You can also type this code in manually with the four tilde characters ~+~+~+~.
To sign without a date stamp, use three tildes ~~~ ~+~+~ instead.
To sign only the date stamp, use five tildes ~~~~~ ~+~+~+~+~.