Things About Me
This user is a nerd.
It's not worth the bother. This user is a fan of Emil Cioran .
This user is melancholy.
This user is unhappy .
NEW LIFE This user needs and wishes they had a life.
This user is a man .
0 This user has no children .
This user is physically disabled butJUST KEEPS ON GOING
This user suffers fromanxiety attacks.
This user tends to cry easily.
This user is functionally insane!
RIDIC :-(This user is ridiculously short and wishes they were much taller!
This user drinks water regularly.
This user exercises regularly and drinks a lot of water to stay hydrated.
This user drinks milk .
This user drinks beer .
This user does not
smoke .
This user takes cold showers.
Y y This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is Y .
This user is an anarchist who believes violence is incompatible with the principles of anarchism.‡
This user reserves the right to question authority .
This user is a supporter of the anarchist movement , but not of the violent stereotypes often placed on them.
This user supports the right of Catalans to determine wether they want Catalonia to remain a part of Spain or not.
Although there probably won't be an anarchist revolution in this user's lifetime, they nonetheless hope that there will be one.
uThis user ardently opposes all forms of RACISM .
This user doesn't like Nazis .
This user seeks to eradicateTrumpism wherever it slithers.
This user believes marriage is between consenting adults, and that therefore polyamorous marriages should have equal legal recognition.
This user believes in the right of every human being to have access to Wikipedia .
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote .
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to assess every candidate and, if none is fit to be voted into office, abstain from voting.
This user opposes torture under all circumstances.
This user believes torture is morally wrong and can never be justified, regardless of the situation.
SAY NO TO POLICE BRUTALITY This user opposes police brutality
This user would like to remind you that Wikipedia is not censored .
This user sees nothing wrong with the human form and doesn't view it as something that needs to be hidden.
Wikipedia is not to be used to un-brainwash the masses. We inform the masses about...attempts to brainwash them.[1]
no ads This user is against commercials in Wikipedia.
This user believes that Wikipedia is the greatest website ever created.
This user is interested in beauty .
This user is a Hopeless Philosopher .
This user supports open-mindedness .
This user believes that all human interaction should be voluntary .
This user supports legalization of marijuana for medical purposes, but not for recreational use.
This user supports the legalization of all drugs .
This user prefers and supports Copyleft licensing.
This User is Having None of this God Business.
This user is sick and tired of religion being scapegoated for any and all of the world's problems.
Until proven wrong, this user does not believe in the supernatural .
? This user is uncommitted to any one religion or lack thereof.
This user believes the world would be a happier, safer and saner place if everyone respected everyone else's freedom of belief .
This user advocates personal belief but does not support organised religion.
This user strives to be unfair against unfounded mythand unbalanced in service of the truth.
This user is a compatibilist who argues that "man can do what he wills, but he cannot will what he wills" .
This user is influenced by the philosophy of Diogenes .
This user employs
dialectics as an analytical framework.
Katz's Law This user knows that men and women will act rationally when all other possibilities have been exhausted.
This user doesn't invoke
conspiracy as explanation, when ignorance and incompetence will suffice.
Sayre's Law This user feels that in any dispute, the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the stakes.
Segal's Law This user is aware that a man with two watches on, may not be sure what time it is.
Hanlon's Razor This user never attributes to malice that which is best explained by stupidity. †
This user believes in materialism , the belief that everything that exists is made of matter .
This user doesn't like school .
This user is a gentleman who strives to inspire.
This user loves libraries and appreciates librarians
HIS This user's favourite subject is History .
This user's favourite subject isPolitics
This user LOVES Algebra, and will continue to study Algebra.
SOC This user's favourite subject is sociology .
This user believes in logic .
This user is interested in the Cold War .
This user enjoys listening to music .
This user supports women in music.
This user is an amateur artist .
This user is an art lover .
For this user, a visit to the Louvre enlightens their day !
This user wishes to visit France .
This user is pro-Georgia.
This user is interested in firearms and is generally knowledgeable about them.
This User trusts his Glock
This user is an M1911 aficionado.
Hello, I'm Józef Gutowski
My Interests Philosophy , Dialectic , Logic ,
Rhetoric ,
Dialogue , Intellectualism , Psychology , Psychoanalysis , Lacanian Psychoanalysis , Mathematics , Linear Algebra , Classical Antiquity , Economics , Sociology , Anthropology , Social Science , Political science , Education , Language , Literature , Poetry , Linguistics , Physics