User:JNZ Wikipedia:Babel en-4This user can contribute with a near-native level of English. yue呢位用户嘅母语系粤语/广州话。呢位用戶嘅母語係粵語/廣州話。 zh-4該用戶能以地道的中文進行交流。该用户能以地道的中文进行交流。 fr-1Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français. de-1Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse. This user is male. This user lives in New Zealand. This user is a citizen of New Zealand. This user is from Christchurch. 這個用戶是華人。 这个用户是华人。This user is of Chinese ethnicity.華夏兒女 華(Hua)這個用戶是位海外華僑。 这个用户是位海外华侨。This user is an overseas Chinese. 呢個用戶係廣東人。 This user is Cantonese. This user was born in the Crown colony/British Dependent Territory of Hong Kong. ✝This user is interested in Protestantism. This user is a Christian, and that's all that matters. This user is an electrical engineer. This user is an engineer. Search user languages