Comment by user Steue:
This user (Gnostics) is blocked indefinitely. However, this user (Gnostics) has contributed so many posts (on talk pages) which, I think, if encountered (in the history), need some explanation. Also this blocking needs another explanation.
Ping welcome, Steue (talk) 11:24, 30 April 2023 (UTC)
(by Steue)
The user Gnostics has written on his talk page / ( section ) "Pardon?" / 2nd paragraph, ( User talk:Gnostics #28 Times ) that he has been murdered over 28 Times.
I (Steue) have read reports that:
- every spirit currently on earth having and using a body ( generally called 'a human being' {And this description is in no way meant derogatorily; I'm just trying to describe it from a spirit's point of view who is aware that he IS a spirit and HAS a body.} ) has lived many lives and
- very few of them can indeed remember/recall all or some or part of their past lives.
( Please, don't ask me (Steue) for references, I (Steue) don't intend to give any. And, please, also don't ask for the reason. )
User Gnostics seems to not have understood that this kind of statements are highly in-credible/un-believable for many current time people.
What user Gnostics (obviously) either did not know or did not believe (enough) was: that this wiki does not accept and does not welcome first hand informations, no matter how true they are or how valuable they might be considered by readers truly interested in a topic, especially if such informations are of such kind which, practically, at this point in time, just can not be supported by written references which are acceptable to wikipedia's standards.
And user Gnostics (obviously) either did not know or did not believe (enough) that such first hand reports, are neither understood nor even accepted on the talk pages.