User:Cowboybebop98 這個用戶是龍的傳人。这个用户是龙的传人。This user is a Descendant of the Dragon.cmn這個用戶的母語是官話。 这个用户的母语是官话。en-us-5This user can contribute at a professional level of American English.This user is an engineer.cpp-4This user is an expert C++ programmer.這個用戶認為漢字簡化是好是壞取決於漢字本身。这个用户认为汉字简化是好是坏取决于汉字本身。This user believes that whether simplification made a character more or less beautiful depends on the character. Welcome to my user page. TrunkUserBox templates Articles of interestHot Dry Noodle Jin Jing