User:Cl3phact0 User page Talk page Articles Reference and tools Sandbox Main Page Wikipedia editorDART impact—September 26, 2022 (PSI/SAAO) Recent Contributions (by Wiki) | Recent Contributions (by date) | Edit CountUser ID:44,415,278Common fallacies (list)FormalIn propositional logic Affirming a disjunct Affirming the consequent Denying the antecedent Argument from fallacy Masked man Mathematical fallacy In quantificational logic Existential Illicit conversion Proof by example Quantifier shift Syllogistic fallacy Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise Negative conclusion from affirmative premises Exclusive premises Existential Necessity Four terms Illicit major Illicit minor Undistributed middle InformalEquivocation Equivocation False equivalence False attribution Quoting out of context Loki's Wager No true Scotsman Reification Question-begging Circular reasoning / Begging the question Loaded language Leading question Compound question / Loaded question / Complex question No true Scotsman Correlative-based False dilemma Perfect solution Denying the correlative Suppressed correlative Illicit transference Composition Division Ecological Secundum quid Accident Converse accident Faulty generalization Anecdotal evidence Sampling bias Cherry picking McNamara Base rate / Conjunction Double counting False analogy Slothful induction Overwhelming exception Ambiguity Accent False precision Moving the goalposts Quoting out of context Slippery slope Sorites paradox Syntactic ambiguity Questionable cause Animistic Furtive Correlation implies causation Cum hoc Post hoc Gambler's Inverse Regression Single cause Slippery slope Texas sharpshooter Appeals Law/Legality Stone / Proof by assertion Consequences Argumentum ad baculum Wishful thinking Emotion Children Fear Flattery Novelty Pity Ridicule In-group favoritism Invented here / Not invented here Island mentality Loyalty Parade of horribles Spite Stirring symbols Wisdom of repugnance Genetic fallacyAd hominem Appeal to motive Association Reductio ad Hitlerum Godwin's law Reductio ad Stalinum Bulverism Poisoning the well Tone Tu quoque Whataboutism Authority Accomplishment Ipse dixit Poverty / Wealth Etymology Nature Tradition / Novelty Chronological snobbery Other fallacies of relevanceArguments Ad nauseam Sealioning Argument from anecdote Argument from silence Argument to moderation Argumentum ad populum Cliché The Four Great Errors I'm entitled to my opinion Ignoratio elenchi Invincible ignorance Moralistic / Naturalistic Motte-and-bailey fallacy Psychologist's fallacy Rationalization Red herring Two wrongs make a right Special pleading Straw man Category