User:飞云过雨 Wikipedia:Babelzh該用戶的母語是中文。该用户的母语是中文。lzh-3此士工於文言。简体中文这个用户使用简体中文。This user uses Simplified Chinese characters.這個用戶使用正體字。This user uses Traditional Chinese characters.en-1This user can contribute with a basic level of English.ja-1この利用者は初級の日本語ができます。Hrkt-1あThis user has a basic understanding of the Katakana or Hiragana.漢字このユーザーは、漢字に堪能です。ko-han-3이 使用者는 高級水準漢字의 理解가 可能합니다.HTML-1This user is a beginning HTML user.{{Wiki}}This user is just starting to learn to write in the MediaWiki language.Search user languages UserboxesThis user is a man.YAThis user is a young adult.This user is short-sighted.This user identifies as bisexual.0This user currently hasno spouse.This user is a citizen of China.This user is of Chinese ancestry.This user knows thatRespect Matters.