Tavria is primarily a geographic toponym for a subregion of Southern Ukraine that encompasses steppe territories between the Dnieper and Molochna rivers and the Crimean peninsula.
Tavria also may refer to:
- Tavria Okruha, northern part of the Taurida Governorate, which today includes most of the Kherson and southern portion of Zaporizhzhia oblasts (regions)
- An alternative name for the whole Taurida Governorate
- ZAZ Tavria, Ukrainian car model
- Tavria State Agrotechnological Academy in Melitopol, see uk:Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет імені Дмитра Моторного
- Tauria, the Poseidon festival at Ephesus, where those serving were termed ταῦρoι.