Svenska Sesam
Svenska Sesam is the short-lived second Swedish adaptation of the popular US children's series Sesame Street. The series aired in 1981[1] at 5:30 p.m. on the channel then called TV2.
- Lill Lindfors
- Magnus Härenstam
- Nils Eklund
- Gunilla Åkesson
- Svante Thuresson
- Lennart Loberg
Muppets and additional characters:
- Bert and Ernie
- Kakmonstret (Cookie Monster)
- Kermit (Kermit the Frog)
- Grover
- Greven (Count von Count)
- Hansson and Fia Jansson (animated characters, developed specifically for this show)
- "GALA TEATER-manus": Birgitta Götestam and Peter Flack
- Animation: Owe Gustafson
- Music: Anders Ekdahl
- Producer: Lasse Haglund
- ^ "Svenska Sesam (1981)". The A.V. Club. Retrieved 4 April 2024.