Diseases of mangos (Mangifera indica) include:
Bacterial diseases
Fungal diseases
Nematodes, parasitic
Miscellaneous diseases and disorders
Miscellaneous diseases and disorders
Abnormal ripening
Incorrect O2:CO2 ratios in storage or fruit waxing.
Algal leaf spot = red rust
Cephaleuros virescens Kunze
Black tip
Post-harvest disorder of unknown cause
Brushing damage
Excessive post-harvest brush polishing of fruit
Bunchy top
Unknown cause
Chilling injury
Temperatures from 7-13 °C; cultivar dependent.
Copper deficiency
Unavailable copper
Unknown etiology
Physiological water stress
Hot water scald
Excessive temperature or duration in hot water or hot water/fungicide dips
Impact damage
Fruit injury from mishandling during harvest or grading
Internal necrosis
Boron deficiency
Jelly seed
Unknown post-harvest disorder
Lenticel spotting
Heavy rains or prolonged post-harvest dips
Little leaf
Zinc deficiency
Manganese deficiency
Insufficient manganese
Parasitic lichen
Strigula elegans (Fee) Muell Arg.
Premature ripening
Cause of disorder unknown
Pressure damage
Surface fruit injury due to poor packing or load shift in transit
Sapburn injury
Sap contact with fruit skin during or post-harvest
Soft nose
Excessive nitrogen/low calcium levels
Spongy tissue
Unknown post-harvest disorder
Stem end cavity
Unexplained pre-harvest fruit injury
Sudden exposure of fruit to high air temperature and/or bright light
High soluble salts