1840s in sociology
1830s . 1840s in sociology . 1850s |
Other topics: Western fashion |
The following events related to sociology occurred in the 1840s.
- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's What is Property? is published.
- Auguste Comte published Volume 5 of The Course of Positive Philosophy: La Partie Historique De La Philosophie Sociale[1]
- Auguste Comte publishes Volume 6 of The Course in Positive Philosophy: Le Complément De La Philosophie Sociale Et Les Conclusions Générales,[2] completing the series.
- Auguste Comte's Sociologie Comme Instruction Affirmative is published
- Auguste Comte's Social Statics and Social Dynamics is published
- Søren Kierkegaard's Either/Or is published in two volumes.[3]
- John Stuart Mill's A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive is published in two volumes.[4][5]
- Friedrich Engels' Outline of A Critique of Political Economy is published
- Engels and Marx's The Holy Family is published
- Karl Marx's Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts are written.^
- Max Stirner's The Ego and Its Own is published in German.
- Friedrich Engels' Conditions of the Working Class in England (original German edition) is published
- Marx and Engels' The German Ideology is written.^
- Pierre Joseph Proudhon's The System of Economic Contradictions or the Philosophy of Poverty is published
- Søren Kierkegaard's Two Ages: A Literary Review is published
- Friedrich Engels' The Principles of Communism is written during October–November
- Karl Marx's The Poverty of Philosophy is published, a critique of Proudhon's 1846 work.
- Engels and Marx's The Communist Manifesto is published
- Study group on the social question held attended by Frederic Le Play, Jean Reynaud, Lamartine, François Arago, Carnot, Lanjuinais, Tocqueville, Montalembert, Sainte-Beuve, Agénor de Gasparin, Abbé Dupanloup, Adolphe Thiers, Auguste Cochin, Charles Dupin and others
- Søren Kierkegaard's The Sickness Unto Death is published.
- ^ "Project Gutenberg's Cours de philosophie positive, vol 5/6, by Auguste Comte". Project Gutenberg. 23 August 2016. Archived from the original on 2019-02-22. Retrieved 2021-07-25.
- ^ "Project Gutenberg's Cours de philosophie positive, vol. 6/6, by Auguste Comte". Project Gutenberg. 28 December 2015. Archived from the original on 2019-02-22. Retrieved 2021-07-25.
- ^ "Søren Kierkegaard | Danish philosopher". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2021-07-25.
- ^ Mill, John Stuart (1843). A system of logic : ratiocinative and inductive, being a connected view of the principles of evidence, and the methods of scientific investigation. Vol. 1. London: London : John W. Parker.
- ^ Mill, John Stuart (1843). A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive: Being a Connected View of ... Vol. 2. London: John W. Parker, WestStrand.