
Kiss of Death

Kiss of Death är Motörheads tjugoförsta album, utgivet den 29 augusti 2006.


  1. "Sucker" – 2:59
  2. "One Night Stand" – 3:05
  3. "Devil I Know" – 3:00
  4. "Trigger" – 3:53
  5. "Under The Gun" – 4:44
  6. "God Was Never On Your Side" – 4:20
  7. "Living In The Past" – 3:45
  8. "Christine" – 3:42
  9. "Sword Of Glory" – 3:57
  10. "Be My Baby" – 3:40
  11. "Kingdom of the Worm" – 4:08
  12. "Going Down" – 3:35