
Fil:Stamp of Azerbaijan 321.jpg

Stamp_of_Azerbaijan_321.jpg (550 × 369 pixlar, filstorlek: 56 kbyte, MIME-typ: image/jpeg)

English: Stamp of Azerbaijan. Marine gastropod Corolla spectabilis.
Källa http://www.azermarka.az/en/1995.php
Skapare Post of Azerbaijan
(Återanvändning av denna fil)
Public domain
This work is not an object of copyright according to the law of Azerbaijan Republic No.: 636-IVQD of April 30, 2013 on Copyright and Neighbouring rights (details).

Article 5. Scope of Copyright

3. Copyright protection shall be granted only to the form of expression of a work and shall not apply to any ideas, processes, methods or mathematical concepts.
4. Copyright to a work is not connected with the property right to the material object on which the work is expressed.

Article 7. Objects not covered by copyright protection

The following items shall not be objects of copyright:

  • Official documents (laws, court decisions, other texts of legislative, administrative or judicial character) and their official translations;
  • State emblems and official signs (flags, arms, anthems, orders, monetary signs and other State symbols and official signs);
  • Folk creativity (folklore) expressions;
  • News of day, data about various events and the facts of information character

Comment – According to interstate and international compacts the Azerbaijan Republic is the legal successor of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, therefore this license tag is also applicable to official symbols and formal documents of the ADR and Azerbaijan SSR.

Warning – This license tag cannot be applied to proposed official symbols and drafts of the formal documents, which can be copyrighted.

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Corolla spectabilis

datum för grundande eller skapande





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nuvarande27 november 2008 kl. 14.10Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 27 november 2008 kl. 14.10550 × 369 (56 kbyte)Butko{{Information |Description={{en|Stamp of Azerbaijan}} |Source=http://www.azermarka.az/ |Date= |Author=Post of Azerbaijan |Permission={{tl|PD-AZ-exempt}} |other_versions= }} {{PD-AZ-exempt}} Category:Stamps of Azerbaijan[[Category:Stamps with unident

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