
Fil:Sohaila sediq.jpg

Sohaila_sediq.jpg (150 × 199 pixlar, filstorlek: 22 kbyte, MIME-typ: image/jpeg)



Minister of Public Health

Sohaila Sediq, a Pashtun, is one of two female ministers in President Karzai's cabinet and the only female general ever to serve in the Afghan army. She earned a reputation for saving the lives of soldiers and civilians during the rocket attacks in the 1990s. When the Taliban took over, they ordered her to leave the hospital. Within months, the regime realized it had lost the country's best surgeon and asked her to return to the military hospital, where she treated and earned the respect of soldiers on both sides of the conflict. Now she is serving as the Minister of Public Health.
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Suhaila Seddiqi

upphovsrättslig status

public domain

tillhör jurisdiktion: USA
bestämningsmetod: work of the federal government of the United States engelska


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nuvarande17 september 2004 kl. 18.34Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 17 september 2004 kl. 18.34150 × 199 (22 kbyte)RobbotSohaila Sediq, Afghan Minister of Public Health

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