
Plik:Unicom 141P Calculator 3.jpg

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The UniCom 141P printing calculator sold for $695 when introduced in 1972. It was built by Busicom Corp of Japan (formerly Nippon Calculating Machine). The calculator was initially sold as the Busicom 141-PF and then was sold by UniCom and National Cash Register.

The integrated circuits used in the calculator were a result of a joint development effort by Busicom and Intel. Intel offered the chip set as the MCS-4 microcomputer system in November 1971. It included the Intel 4004 4-bit CPU, one of the earliest microprocessors.

This description is from an advertisement in the July 1972 issue of The Office - Magazine of Management, Equipment, Automation.

"Performs chain calculations with or without printing of the intermediate answers. Has two accumulators plus a powerful working register. Lets you flip-flop amounts between registers when multiplying or dividing. Has two complete decimal systems -full floating or floating in/fixed out. Works percentages without decimal indexing. Prints three lines a second, identifies every item, and shows negative answers in red. Performs automatic duplex functions. Weighs just 11 pounds and takes up only a little more desk space than a letterhead."
UniCom, 10670 North Tantau Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014
The calculator in this picture was purchased at a thrift store in 2004 for $5 by Sellam Ismail, creator of the Vintage Computer Festival. This photo was taken at VCF 10 held at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA, November 3-4, 2007 by Michael Holley using a Canon PowerShot A630.
Źródło Praca własna
Autor Swtpc6800 Michael Holley
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data utworzenia lub powstania

3 lis 2007

zdjęcie wykonane aparatem

Canon PowerShot A630 angielski

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0,016666666666667 sekunda

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Data i czasMiniaturaWymiaryUżytkownikOpis
aktualny22:29, 29 lis 2009Miniatura wersji z 22:29, 29 lis 20091632 × 1530 (449 KB)Swtpc6800== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description= The UniCom 141P printing calculator sold for $695 when introduced in 1972. It was built by Busicom Corp of Japan (formerly Nippon Calculating Machine). The calculator was initially sold as the Busicom 141

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