
Plik:Senkingen av Blücher (5654566265).jpg

Rozmiar pierwotny (1621 × 1137 pikseli, rozmiar pliku: 340 KB, typ MIME: image/jpeg)



Kildeinformasjon: NTBs krigsarkiv, Digitaliserte dokumenter (RA/PA-1209/Ud/L0073/0004), 0-, oppb: Riksarkivet. Merknader: Blücher senket ved Oscarsborg. Permanent sidelenke: arkivverket.no/URN:db_read/db/33989/15/ Permanent bildelenke: www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-db10081001280015.jpg

Norsk bokmål: «Blücher», en tysk krysser sjøsatt 1937, deltok i den tyske invasjonen av Norge i 1940 og ble senket etter å ha blitt truffet av granater og torpedoer fra norske kystfort ved Drøbak under slaget ved Oscarsborg festning. Skipet ledet invasjonsstyrken som skulle sikre hovedstaden Oslo natt til 9. april. Skipet sank med store tap av liv. Vraket ligger fremdeles på bunnen av Oslofjorden. Foto hentet fra Riksarkivets album «Senkingen av Blücher» på Flickr.
English: The cruiser Blücher (launched 1937), the lead ship of the German armada headed for Oslo, Norway, was sunk in the Oslofjord by Norwegian military at Oscarsborg Fortress during the Battle of Drøbak Sound on 9 April 1940, the first day of the German invasion of Norway (part of the Norwegian Campaign in World War II). By sinking the ship the Norwegian king and government were saved from being taken captive in the first hours of the invasion. The number of casualties is unknown, but the loss of life probably ranges between 600 and 1,000 soldiers and sailors. The wreck remains on the bottom of the Oslofjord. Photo from Flickr album "Senkingen av Blücher" by Riksarkivet (National Archives of Norway)
Źródło Senkingen av Blücher
Autor Riksarkivet (National Archives of Norway) from Oslo, Norway
(Ponowne użycie tego pliku)
Riksarkivet (National Archives of Norway) @ Flickr Commons


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Ten plik, opublikowany pierwotnie w serwisie Flickr przez Riksarkivet (National Archives of Norway) pod adresem https://flickr.com/photos/59811348@N05/5654566265, został sprawdzony 17 października 2015 przez FlickreviewR, który potwierdził, że jest on tam dostępny na licencji No known copyright restrictions.

17 października 2015


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autor (tekst): Riksarkivet (National Archives of Norway)
identyfikator użytkownika Flickr: 59811348@N05

status praw autorskich

no known copyright restrictions angielski


no known copyright restrictions angielski


National Archives of Norway angielski

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25 kwi 2011

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1621 piksel

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metoda określenia: SHA-1

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aktualny19:22, 23 mar 2016Miniatura wersji z 19:22, 23 mar 20161621 × 1137 (340 KB)Alonso de MendozaCropped 2 % horizontally and 3 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.
21:22, 17 paź 2015Miniatura wersji z 21:22, 17 paź 20151654 × 1170 (108 KB)WolfmannTransferred from Flickr via Flickr2Commons

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