
Plik:Jambolaya 5 bg 102900.jpg

Jambolaya_5_bg_102900.jpg (800 × 600 pikseli, rozmiar pliku: 56 KB, typ MIME: image/jpeg)


Jambalaya - 2000-10-29

  • Jambalaya, in one form or another, is one of those things I make when I~~m sort of lazy and just want to though something together. But it~~s really good and you can do lots of things to tweak it so that it never gets boring.
  • Camera: Sony FD-88, Not recorded, Lens: Not recorded, Not recorded, Not recorded, ISO Not recorded
  • Keywords: Jambalaya cooking dinner food
  • License: This image is public domain. You may use this image for any purpose, including commercial. If you do use it, please let me know. I enjoy seeing what others have created with these photos.


Public domain Ten utwór został udostępniony jako własność publiczna przez jego autora, Jon Sullivan (PD Photo.org). Dotyczy to całego świata.
W niektórych krajach może nie być to prawnie możliwe, jeśli tak, to:
Jon Sullivan (PD Photo.org) zapewnia każdemu prawo do użycia tej pracy w dowolnym celu, bez żadnych ograniczeń, chyba że te ograniczenia są wymagane przez prawo.

pdphoto.org Public domain This image from PD Photo.org has been released into the public domain by its author and copyright holder, Jon Sullivan.

From the photo page: This work is dedicated to the Public Domain. For non-US use it is also placed under a Creative Commons CC0 designation.

Sullivan has stated: "You may use this image for any purpose, including commercial. As the owner I have explicitly placed it in the public domain. If you do use it, please consider linking back to pdphoto.org. Use it for whatever you want. Use it all. Sell it. Mangle it. Whatever you want. Please. But it would be polite to let me know so I can at least enjoy whatever creative use you're putting it to. This doesn't mean that you can take the material and then copyright it yourself. It’s in the public domain and that’s where I want it to stay."

Attention: not all pictures from pdphoto.org are in public domain! Please check the metadata on the source before applying this license tag.

From en:Image:Jambolaya 5 bg 102900.jpg.


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Data i czasMiniaturaWymiaryUżytkownikOpis
aktualny16:43, 7 wrz 2005Miniatura wersji z 16:43, 7 wrz 2005800 × 600 (56 KB)Moja~commonswiki* http://pdphoto.org/PictureDetail.php?mat=pdef&pg=7316 * http://pdphoto.org/jons/pictures/jambolaya_5_bg_102900.jpg Jambalaya - 2000-10-29 * Jambalaya, in one form or another, is one of those things I make when I~~m sort of lazy and just want to though

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