Wikipedia:Twelve-millionth topic pool
This is the pool for guessing what the twelve-millionth article's name will be. Please see Wikipedia:Millionth topic pool for reference. Everyone is allowed a maximum of three votes. Voting will close upon the creation of the 11,990,000th article. The current number of articles in the English Wikipedia is 6,965,501. If your vote doesn't belong in any of the current categories, just add it in.
Television, movies, and pop culture
Almost a Love Affair, But Not Quite: The Brian Epstein John Lennon Story Ravenclawjedi42 (all pronouns) (talk) 14:00, 28 December 2023 (UTC)
2074 Champions League Final(Weiche Flensburg-FC Barcelona 3:0), Pitohui202 (talk) 22:33, 28 March 2022
Philosophy and Religion
- The Workers Communist Party of the Former Confederate States, a splinter group of The Communist Party of the Former Confederate States, which was a splinter part of the Republicans. Also first post in this pool. FIreking55 01:40 15 January 2022 (EST)