Wikipedia:Requested articles/Natural sciences/Environment and geology
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Environmental science
- Edilberto Romero (Belizean, Executive Director for Programme for Belize, held the title of Honorable temporarily whilst representing the Belize Network of NGOs when standing in for Senator Osmany Salas.) (
- Peter H Nixon (Emeritus Professor of Geology, Leeds University Retd. Discovered Letseng diamond mine in Lesotho in 1957, source of some of the worlds largest and most valuable diamonds. Also an outstanding academic credited with two key publications, 'Lesotho Kimberlites' 1973, and 'Mantle Xenoliths' 1987. 'Scientifically Important' collection of rocks donated to the Natural History Museum 1994. 'Nixonite', newly discovered mineral named after him in 2019. Still exploring potential mineral deposits in Sutherland.
- Hugh Jenkyns (Professor of Stratigraphy at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford and instrumental in the development of the idea of Ocean Anoxic Events.)
- Tony Haymet (Past director of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, bio at
- Dane Wigington (Chemtrail Conspiracy theorist)
- Judi Krzyzanowski (Environmental Scientist, editor, author—of peer-reviewed papers, books and reports; researcher; consultant; policy adviser/author; vegan and organic vegetable farmer; interviewed by numerous news outlets; over 12 relevant pages Google search results; webpages:;;
- Pawan Kumar Bharti (Editor, Writer, Scientist, Environmentalist, Antarctician, Poet) Article deleted three times already for non-notability.
- Coral Davenport - American journalist; writes about energy, environment, and climate policy for The New York Times; has worked for the Congressional Quarterly, Politico and the National Journal
- Richard Henry Jahns 1915–1983. Geologist known especially for work in granitic pegmatites, but also many other fields. Many fellowships and offices in several professional societies, including president of the Geological Society of America. Bio and tribute
- Nicholas Lenssen Energy expert and former researcher at the Worldwatch Institute in Washington, D.C. Co-authored several books about the energy industries and alternative energy, mostly in the 1990s. Questionable notability.
- Richard George McConnell (1857−1942), Canadian explorer-geologist; federal deputy minister of mines.[1]
- Otto Pfafstetter Brazilian hydrologist who devised the hydrological coding system known as the Pfafstetter Coding System. An article regarding him is already present in the Portuguese Wikipedia. Sources can be found on the Portuguese article. Requested 2016.04.23
- Michael J. Prather (Fred Kavli Chair and Professor at the University of California Irvine ) Also an AGU and AAAS fellow; recipient of the Jefferson Science Fellowship from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; and editor-in-chief of Geophysical Research Letters.
- Wayne Sharpe (Founder and Chairman of Carbon Trade Exchange) Article has been deleted multiple times; subject is not notable.
- Pieter Verhulsel Diver who died in 1984 when he got lost exploring the vast underground lake system in the Sterkfontein Caves in South Africa. He found an air pocket, but succumbed to hypothermia three weeks later, hours before he was found. Potential sources are listed at this diving forum.
- This guy is covered in the Sterkfontein article. I'm not sure that it's worth saying much more.
- Glen Cass Obituary.
- Julie Loisel American ecosystem ecologist and geographer known for peatland research in the Arctic, Antarctic, southern Patagonia, and the tropics. Working group leader of C-PEAT, a collaborator on the United Nations' Global Peatland Assessment, and associate professor at the University of Nevada, Reno [2]
Non-people topics
- AnaEE-ERIC Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems, AnaEE-ERIC, is the 23rd European Research Insfrastructure Consortium established since the very first one in 2011. It is a legal entity that offers capacities to develop multidisciplinary approaches at the frontiers of life sciences, agronomy and environmental sciences, combining experimentation, analysis and modelling services to answer pressing scientific and societal issues. It aims to advance our understanding of the environmental impacts of ongoing global change and foster adaptation and mitigation strategies to safeguard ecosystem services and their concomitant economic and societal benefits. ( , ,
- 2022 heat wave in the United States - Its becoming an important issue here. There needs to be a page for it.Yes, Another Heat Wave: Almost 50 Million Under Heat Alerts Across U.S. 3rd heat wave grips the South this summer, and experts say it will get worse Heat wave persists, millions affected from Maine to Texas
- 2024 Storms in Houston (4 People dead, 1 million homes without power. I know its a bit soon to write this at the moment but in the future I want to read this) [3] [4] [5]
- Airlight - The sort of effect well known in Los Angeles, where, during the day, middle-sized pollution particles reflect sunlight creating a white haze in the air. In L.A, of course, this hides the mountains until dusk. I read about it in an article about an artist who quoted a scientist who told him about it. I don't know how easily available sources will be, but it seems like the sort of thing that should have an article.
- Beeswax Wrap - plastic alternative made of beeswax (
- Camp Unalayee - I'm not sure if this is the right category - Camp Unalayee is a wilderness backpacking camp in California.
- carbon uptake
- Center for Health, Environment & Justice
- Central Park Snowy Owl in the mode of Central Park mandarin duck
Climate change in Hong Kong
Climate change in Macau
- Climate-sensitive disease
- Crane Rain Zone
- Countryside Management Association - A professional association like the Scottish Countryside Rangers Association and mentioned on the page for the International Ranger Federation. Countryside Management Association (CMA) homepage at, an example of the magazine "Ranger" that they publish can be found at They are mentioned at,, and in the news article Request comes from a member of the Association who won't write an article himself due to the conflict of interest.
- Desert growth; desert areas around the world are expanding year after year. For example, the Sahara has extended 6,000 square kilometers since 1990.
- devil's pine
drug-production waste - discussing the chemical and other waste products from the production of legal and illegal drugs, and the effects of those waste products on the natural environmentBeing worked on in my user draft space- environmental inventory
- environmental sampling and testing
- GeoHack -Sources (
- Geology of the Azores
- glaciology of Europe - a complement to the existing Glaciology of North America topic.
- glacial retreat - now redirects to retreat of glaciers since 1850
- Indiana Nongame Wildlife Fund - [6]
- IPICS International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences
- Land use regression modeling (LUR) is a statistical technique used to determine exposure to air pollutants in epidemiological studies.
- LoveDolores Campaign A Leave No Trace campaign focusing on trash reduction, glass, and cigarette litter at one of San Francisco's most popular park. (
- Madrid Action Plan for Biosphere Reserves- The Madrid Action Plan was agreed upon at the 3rd World Congress of Biosphere Reserve held in Madrid in Feb. 2008. It sets out key target areas that Biosphere Reserves should focus on to address modern day challenges of accelerated climate change, loss of biological and cultural diversity, rapid urbanization, etc.
- List of Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) Birds - [7]
- Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center in United States - NETC.COM, Is this data reliable?
- occupancy modelling - This encompasses the mathematics of determining the presence of something (a species) given imperfect observations (a census). This seems highly relevant to many citizen science projects, and appears to be heavily utilized in eBird data analysis.
- Ocean Surface Current Simulator (OSCURS) - merits a brief entry
- Overhunting - now redirects to overexploitation. Because overfishing is a type of overexploitation, and it has an independent article, the same logic should be applied to overhunting as well.
- photohydroionization - how the science of thunder storms is being used to purify air, and, on a larger scale, may help purify the planet
- Potnyctycia nemesi is a certain species of moth. There is currently a lack of knowledge about them online, but a small article with just their name and a photo or two would be greatly appreciated for identification purposes- I just spent 30 minutes hunting them down online because Wikipedia didn't have anything.
- pretreatment of industrial wastewater or Industrial pretreatment program
- raised bed river (ja:天井川/zh:悬河) - the place where the stream bed is higher than the surrounding ground. cf. Stream bed.
- salter sink
- soil moisture regime - important applications in soil sciences
- Sustainable Westchester, Inc. (Sustainable Westchester is an unique consortium of 41 of 43 municipalities in Westchester County, NY) (
- UNEP-GRID or the lemma written UNEP GRID (redirect?), or better a lemma in the UNEP spelling:
- UNEP/GRID - There is an article UNEP/GRID-Arendal, but it is only one node in the UNEP/GRID-network (redirect?)! You can import the German article de:United Nations Environment Programme-Global Resource Information Database or use the uk:Global Resource Information Database article and develop it to a complete information database in the english wikipedia! This article maybe very important for wikidata and maps-projects. Another linked articles are about ENVIROCAT (Switzerland-Data-Catalog) (and PortalU (Environmental Data Catalog Germany). You can import the German de:PortalU, an Environmental Data and Information Service (de:Umweltdatenkatalog). --All nodes are listed at [8]
Water distribution in BritainWater Special Project- [9]
- Please can you add a sub-article in Biomass about biomass pellets? Thanks!
Environmental policy
- Asilomar Accords
- Bandalong litter trap
- Canadian Electrical Stewardship Association - small appliance and power tool recycling
- Cigarette Butt Pollution Project - see overview here
- classification and multiple use act
- Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education
- cumulative effect - notes at Talk:Cumulative_Effect
- Current Mass Extinction - causes and implications - see Holocene extinction
- Domicology (The study of the economic, social, and environmental characteristics relating to the life cycle of the built environment.) ([10])([11]) ([12]) ([13])([14])
- Environmental inventory and classification
- Enviromental Toxicity ppms
- Environmentally-extended input-output (EEIO)
- European Unions Life Environmental Fund
- ESCAP Green Growth
- forest inventory analysis
- GHG-footprint - being a combination of the carbon footprint with other GHG-gases
- Habitat Area of Particular Concern - [15]
- Instituto Terra - reforestation project in Brazil
- Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity - [16]
- International Day of the Black Sea - [17]; [18]
- Lancefort - company/group of environmentalists/conservationists in Dublin, Ireland?
- Land Capability Analysis - process in land use planning and urban planning
- Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation or Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX). Wikipedia has a far-too-short section on this in the article on the UN body that wrote this important document. - requested Sept. 15, 2013
- Mandatory greenhouse gas emissions reporting by country - [19] [20]
- National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act
- Nationwide Permit Program - United States Army Corps of Engineers
- Pollution Tolerance Index
- Public Rangeland Improvement Act of 1978
- Regeneration (ProductCare) - special waste recycling
- Spy Weather Balloon Program
- Can we please get an alphabetical list of all known metals and pictorial references of their crystal forms?
- Alkaline rocks
- Alvikite
- Argillization
- Barkevikite
- Black amethyst - Recently discovered in Uruguay. May not meet the exact qualifications, but unsure of what they are. Ttrimm (talk) 02:48, 17 May 2016 (UTC)
Chlorophaeite- Cinnabrite Pink epidote in white scapolite. Should have it's own page due to confusion of it's name being used interchangeably with cinnabar which contains mercury and is unsafe to handle.
- Cobaltoan
- Cristinite - synthetic man-made gemstone with no natural counterpart.[[21]][[22]][[23]][[24]][[25]][[26]][[27]]
- Crystalloblastic
- Deweylite
- Droninoite - Iron(II) chloride mineral
- Elite Shungite (addition to shungite article) New variant popping up claiming high purity but no standard grade
- Fluorinite
- Foyaite
- Golden Healer Golden Healer is a type of quartz crystal, but it deserves its own page - the variety citrine (the name for yellow quartz) has its own section in the quartz article already, there is insufficient material for its own article
- Humic shale A naturally occurring source of minerals for use as a fertilizer
- Huminite
- Intersertal
- Krysterna synthetic mineral used for watch crystals
- Kuliginite - Iron(II) chloride mineral
- Lapis specularis (Lapis specularis, or specularibus lapidibus, is a variety of gypsum (selenite) that forms crystal sheets. The sheets were used as window panes in the first and second centuries AD. It is referred in 1 Corinthians 13:12 "For now we see through a glass, darkly." specularibus lapidibus. It is also referenced in six Wikipedia articles. No one has yet written an article defining what it is, or tied it to it's very special biblical reference. It is not mentioned in the history of the window and there is no history of it under windowpane materials in Wikipedia.) (Haymond, Bruce: 8 July, 2012; "Seeing Through a Glass Darkly, and the Urim & Thummim", Temple study, web source;
- Lawrencite - Iron(II) chloride mineral
- Liptodetrinite
- Loess doll (ja:高師小僧)
- Macrinite
- Miakitic
- Microkrystite
- Nasonite [28]
- Nivenite - Rare-earth bearing variety of Uranite. [29]
- Nordstrandite - aluminum trihydroxide mineral
- Opoka - Mineral in Eastern Europe used in phosphorus recovery. [30]
- Palladot (pallasite) peridot gems from meteorites - such gems get a mention in peridot, but not with that name, I doubt the notability
- Potomac marble, a colorful aggregate used in the US Capitol and other public buildings. Note that it is a local metamorphic version of the Leesburg Limestone Conglomerate Member of the Bull Run Formation where it is affected by contact with an igneous intrusion - information should be added to that article
- Pseudohexagonal
- Pyrosmalite
- Sclerotinite
- Secretinite
- Semifusinite
- Suasa (metal alloy) an alloy made of copper, silver, and gold in varying quantities. Of significance to the people of Java, Malaysia, and Indonesia
- Subaluminous
- Summary of Mineral Resources by Country (Category:Mines by country)
- Suolunite
- Telluride (mineral) - aluminum telluride mineral
- Teloinertinite
- Troctolitic
- Wark-Lovering rim sequence
- Vincentite [31]
- Zeophyllite
Geologic time periods
- Marine Isotope Stage 7 We already have pages for Marine Isotope Stage 5, Marine Isotope Stage 9, Marine Isotope Stage 11, and Marine Isotope Stage 13 interglacials. It would be good to complete the set by adding Marine Isotope Stage 7. I also think it is the most interesting MIS since MIS 7d was very cold and MIS 7abc&e were warm. Here are references to get started: [1][2][3]
- List of continental positions This in concept would be a geology reference showing and including a succession of best guess maps showing continental drift effects. IIRC, data more than 2.5 billion years is lacking... so from then to present, circa 33-1/3rd Millions of years apart, would be my choice. Hence one can do a third on the hundred multiples, and go back and build the intervening maps on the rest. I also believe both 50 and 100 million years are too coarse to be truly useful, whereas the three times a hundred give some resolution without too many maps in the project.
- List of ice ages Table of Major and Minor, Geologic timescale xref'd, perhaps some link to geology/geography resultant structures or features in evidence today. Try this Timeline_of_glaciation (more)
- Valdai glaciation
- Pages for the British named staged of the Pliocene - the Gedgravian Stage and the Ludhamian Stage
- Yudomski Event This seems to refer to an increase in oceanic sulfur levels during the Cambrian, already mentioned but not named in the latter article. Mentioned here: and here:
Geologic features and environments
- Active volcanoes of the United States - it is difficult to determine from existing Wikipedia lists which of the multitudinous volcanoes of our country are still active.
- Al-Omar oil field - strategically important oil field in the Deir ez-Zor Governorate with the largest US military base in Syria [1]
- Alpine karst
- Angara Flora. The late Paleozoic flora of Siberia with affinities to the southern hemisphere's Glossopteris flora (also late Paleozoic)
- Archaeosphere, also known as artificial ground, a layer of disturbed ground created by human activity. The term has only been around a few years - maybe wait until it becomes more widely accepted
- Argillite di Riva di Solto in Italy - see Tanystropheus
- Argilliturbation
- Azores Plate - would probably be best covered in a geology of the Azores article as only a few geologists accept that it is separate
- Benthic storm
- Breitenwinner Cave - a cave located on a NATO base near Velburg, Bavaria, Germany; contains massive quantities of human bones yet has never been subject to an official archaeological survey Also, it is known as either Breitenwinner Höhle or the Baumannshöhle.
- Brunswick magnetic anomaly
- Calderian orogeny
- Caustobioliths - include coal, kukersite, etc.
- Clanalpine - a soil type only found on mountains
- Coalification - referred to in numerous articles
- Continental root
- Cordilleran
- Cryoxeric steppe
- Dar Challa range
- The Darrans - a granodioritic range of the New Zealand's Southern Alps
- Deep Biosphere - a.k.a. Deep Hot Biosphere (deep (>3km(?)) microbiome below Earth's surface biome) (see for example Deep Carbon Observatory)
- Deltavjatia vjatkensis Assemblage Zone - see Perplexisaurus
Dystric Brunisol - a great group of soils in the Brunisolic order
- Early Lake Ontario - Pleistocene proglacial lake
- Earthquakes in the Northeastern United States
- Extended crust - this redirect is questionable, as there's no reference to this term in the article it points to [32]
- Falaises des Vaches Noires of Normandy - see Leedsichthys
- Fault-controlled basin - e.g., Sichuan Basin
- Note: the Sichuan Basin is a foreland basin that has been tectonically inverted. This and other "fault-controlled basins," e.g. rift and pull-apart basins already have Wikipedia articles for the specific type of fault control basin. A Wikipedia list should suffice, if needed at all, instead of an article.
- FRGOK - "Geologists have a category of rock called FRGOK, pronounced fergock, meaning, Funny Rock, God Only Knows, which is used enough to occasionally make it into their scholarly journals. (Would that all scientists were so humble.)" Anne Herbert, The Next Whole Earth Catalog. Quoted at [33]; this is literally all I know about this; Ms. Herbert does not normally write hoaxes, fringe theories, or silly humor. -- Writtenonsand (talk) 15:02, 7 November 2009 (UTC)
- See fubarite and leaverite - maybe collect 'em all at Geological slang?
- Furna do Enxofre An accessible caldera (which can be explored internally) on the island of Graciosa, in the Azores. This is a foreign language article on it here: [34]
- Glacial Lake Sammamish - Pleistocene proglacial lake
- Gravel Devils - (Geologists from West Virginia University in Morgantown published their observations of crystal vortexes called "gravel devils," which form in a region of northern Chile.) [35], and [36]
- Ilhas Formation of Brazil
- Isotropic compression
- Jilh Formation in Saudi Arabia - source of Tanystropheus specimen
- Kent Peak (Ravalli County, Montana) - highest point of the Sapphire Mountains
- Köfels landslide - a huge mountain rockslide (a Sturzstrom) that occurred in the Austrian Alps about 9800 years ago near the present day village of Köfels. The existing article at on RationalWiki might be a good starting point if permitted by RationalWiki's licence, which I don't fully understand. Some other articles in the English Wikipedia have brief sections on the event. The German article is mostly about the community but also has information about the rockslide. Eastmain (talk • contribs) 17:30, 7 December 2024 (UTC)
- Labrador Plateau
- Lake Houghton (glacial) - Pleistocene proglacial lake
- Lake Lundy - Pleistocene proglacial lake
- Lee Moor - not sure about this being a separate page; it should be a subcategory under Imerys (due to extensive mining work carried out by the company at the site)
- Liquefaction zone — judging by how many articles refer to a "liquefaction zone" (or "zones"), as attempting to view the non-existent article demonstrates, I'm surprised this article doesn't already exist. I've now read the relevant sections in the Earthquake and Liquefaction articles, but I'm still not entirely clear on what a liquefaction *zone* is...
- List of Colombian departments by elevation - This list exists for the U.S. and some other countries, but Colombia does not have such a list. In fact, most countries do not. However, this information would be interesting and notable for geographers and laymen alike. Can someone start making these lists systematically so that more countries are covered?
- Littoral island - should be a section in littoral zone first
- Magnetic-field origin theories - the other articles on this general subject do not directly describe what generates magnetic fields or any descriptions of the specific existing theories]
- Marine abrasion
- Meride Limestone at Monte San Giorgio - location of Tanystropheus fossils
- Microaggregate
- Microtrace
- Minor range - as in a sub-mountain range; smaller ranges that are part of a larger ones; it should be a subcategory under mountain ranges
- Mount Ngaoui
- Mount Ngaya
- Mount Toussoro
- Newport Submarine Canyon
- Nitrogen pathways and NPK in soils
- The North Minnie Fire Major Wildfire in Northern Minnesota.
- Nusplingen lithographic limestone - see timeline of pterosaur research
- Obispo Formation (California) and/or Obispo Tuff (California) - a tuff formation in California of pyroclastic deposits in the California Central Coast
- Obispo Formation (Spain), a Late Jurassic geologic formation in Spain
- Obsidian Pool, Yellowstone National Park
- Orthomagmatic
- Paleoplain
- Paleomegalandslide
- Pearsoney Falls A 12 foot tall waterfall near Prospect State Scenic Viewpoint
- Petrogypsic horizon
- Polycyclic land forms in geography
- Pontesford-Linley fault - see Quartzite
- Prospect Falls - 50-foot-tall waterfall in Prospect State Scenic Viewpoint
- Prospect Mountain Formation - at the top of Doso Doyabi in White Pine County, Nevada; contains quartzite; Geologic Unit: Prospect Mountain, Geolex; Prospect Mountain, Significant Publications
- Protocontinent, Proto-Continent, Proto Continent - referenced in several articles but not defined. CRATON article implies that protocontinent and craton are interchangeable terms; curiously adding proto-craton term, implying more ancient structure. BASEMENT (GEOLOGY) article suggests basement rock is the oldest, much like protocontinent and craton, but the distinctions between them are not clear.
- Red beach, Panjin, China (req. 9-23-13)
- Rokutō islands/Hagi-Rokutō (ja:六島諸島) - andesitic volcanic plateaus of Abu volcano in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan.
- Roofspall - geology, caves
- Salem Plateau - physiographic region in the Ozarks, also known as the Central Plateau. [37]
- Saline River fault [38]
- San Andreas Valley, around San Mateo County, California. Namesake of San Andreas Fault.
- Scarth Channel - a channel in Walney Island, Barrow-in-Furness, England
- Sediment waves
- Seismic activity in Italy (or similar title) - while we do have have a List of earthquakes in Italy I haven't been able to find any general text-based article on the subject. A gap worth filling? —MistyMorn (talk) 09:52, 30 May 2012 (UTC) - a section could be added to the list article - see list of earthquakes in Ecuador
- Serbo-Macedonian Massif - see [39] [40] [41] [42] perhaps linking to the Osogovo-Belasica mountain chain in List of mountains in the Republic of Macedonia
- Shelfbreak - Shelfbreak Physiography: An Overview
- Sichelwannen - Glacial features
- Southern Oklahoma Seismic Zone
- South Mountain Batholith - a large igneous intrusion in southern Nova Scotia, Canada
- Splay fault
- Strelley Pool Chert
- Surface eddy kinetic energy
- Superposed folding [from the book Ramsay and Huber]
- Symmictite - etymology and history. Replaced by [Diamicton].
- Subducting slab
- Taxitic - definition, obsolete term, from American Geosciences Institute
- Trans-Saharan Belt
- Urpalov Formation of Russia - see Perplexisaurus
- Vis plastica - paleontology; e.g., see [Spanish Wikipedia article
- Volcán Darwin - volcano (last erupted in 1813) in the Galápagos Islands, all the others have articles (not to be confused with Darwin Island)
- Wee Jasper Caves - cave system in New South Wales, Australia
- Zikha Taung - 984 feet (300 m) high mountain located near the western shore in the southern part of Ramree Island
- See also: #Fluid mechanics
- 1836 United Kingdom heat wave
- 1935 United Kingdom heat wave
- 2013 Glencoe avalanche - I was going to create this page myself but, I have no confidence whatsoever in case I make a screw-up on it. If someone else can do it, that would be more than grateful :) BrydoF1989 (talk) 16:01, 1 July 2015 (UTC)
- 700 mb temperature
- Adiabatic fog
- Anafront
- Andes lightning (Synonymous with Andes lights and Andes glow, See: 1 2 3 4)
- Atmospheric Motion Vectors (Technique of measuring wind speeds from the movement of cloud features in satellite photos of the earth.) (
- Background Error Covariance - as used in Data Assimilation, especially as it relates to Kalman Filters
- Civil War drought - The drought asserted to have occurred in North America from 1856 to 1865, said to have rivaled the Dust Bowl in its length and severity. The name derives from the American Civil War (not to be confused with the Somali Civil War, which also occurred during a drought.)
- Corona climate classification - Also called "Corona's climate classification". Appears to be a climate classification system used in the Philippines. There are several sources available on Google Books here, but only in snippet view. Please let me know if you create this article! Neelix (talk) 20:33, 14 October 2015 (UTC)
- Davis Stability Index
- daymet data sets - surface weather and climatological summaries at with tools for daymet at
- Deyr - local name for rain season in East Africa
- Double Hurricane - rare phenomenon, citation included from national Geographic's.
- February 2011 north America cold wave a cold wave that effected the central united states.
- Eastern Pacific hurricane database - The official track database for eastern Pacific tropical cyclones which have, at some time, reached tropical storm strength.
- Extended range tornado activity forecast
- Geological equipment - currently redirects to Geologist's hammer
- Global warming on other planets - currently redirects to Greenhouse effect
- Global Wind Oscillation - a collection of climate and weather information that measures atmospheric angular momentum, or the degree of waviness in the jet stream
- General Mean Surface Temperature (GMST)
- Green compensation
- Gringorten formula return period - wind speed formula
- Gunnar Myhre - climatologist, University of Oslo ( ) and Center for International Climate and Environmental Research / CICERO ( ), associated with debate on global climate change / global warming.
- Hurricane Enrique (1979) currently redirects to the 1979 Pacific hurricane season
- Hurricane Winnie (1983) see [43]
- Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht - An institute of Utrecht University dedicated to climate-related research, see
- Interactive Weather Information Network - a National Weather Service (USA) program that was terminated as of fall 2005, then "replaced" in December 2006, been around for many years. [44]
- Iraqi Meteorological Organization & Seismology The weather service of Iraq, located in Baghdad, under the authority of the ministry of transportation. See:
- Ira Sevaya, an optical illusion seen on mountains, like the Adam's Peak or Sri Pada, in which the rising sun appears prior to sunrise due to Total internal reflection. On this mountain, it is said that the sun appears 3 times. See - needs to link to Category:Atmospheric optical phenomena
- January 2014 UK flooding
- Jefferson stability index - an atmospheric index, acronym is JI
- I will work on this article and create it. --TFFfan (talk) 14:11, 9 February 2020 (UTC)
- Kenyon Weathercaster - A book and scientific instrument for accurate prediction of the weather by Kenyon Instrument Company from 1942
- Lake Effect Clouds I want to make this article, but don't know how. Lake Effect Clouds - NASA
- List of tornadoes in New York
- I intend to eventually create this article, although it might have to be split up into subarticles by region or timescale, or only cover significant tornadoes, since there have been more than 350 just since 1950. -RunningOnBrains(talk page) 06:53, 27 May 2009 (UTC)
- Les Suetes - south-easterly winds in Canada, see fr:Suête
- List of Category 4 Pacific typhoons
- List of Category 5 Pacific typhoons
- List of particularly dangerous situation watches issued by the SPC - (Draft:List of particularly dangerous situation watches)
- Mace Head - an important atmospheric monitoring site in Ireland, mentioned in many scientific works. See their site
- Marine lightwheels
- Could be biology related instead. A very rare luminous phenomenon occurring most often in the Indian Ocean observations made by many credible sources including in many navy logbooks. Still a frontier of science like so many luminous phenomena sadly but hopefully more research to come soon. Appearance is usually a glowing spinning wheel at the ocean surface with distinctive bands. Sometimes multiple ones are observed. The most popular theory right now is some kind of bioluminesecent animal but why they would perform this behaviour is still unknown.
- National Lightning Detection Network
- Norlun trough, a type of instability trough associated with moderate to heavy snowfall in a restricted area near a coast. Also spelled NorLun or NORLUN. Named for meteorologists Weir Lundstedt and Steve Noguiera who studied the phenomenon in the 1990s. [4] [5] [6]
- North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation
- North Pacific Subpolar Gyre, also see North Pacific Gyre, which usually refers to the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre [45]
- Northeast U.S. flooding of March 2010 - is this the same as March 2010 Southern New England Flood?
- Overdue-glaciation - currently there is a redirection to anthropecene
- Q-G Omega
- Pluvial theory, a discredited theory about the ice age climate of Africa
- QG Field(s)
- Rapid Precision Mesoscale (RPM)
- Rain shield
- Ranjan Ratnakar Kelkar – former Director General of Meteorology (DGM), India
- Sager Weathercaster A book and scientific instrument for accurate prediction of the weather by Raymond Sager from 1942
- Silicate Weathering
- Sub-Antarctic Mode Water (SAMW)
- Tornadoes in the United Kingdom
- Tsunami wall - currently redirected to seawall
Tropical storm risk- Venus syndrome – a hypothetical scenario in which Earth becomes more Venus-like after a runaway global warming induced by humans that cannot be stopped.
- Water budget graphs
- Water vapour concentration
- WeatherQuests
- Woodpecker grid
- Severe weather terminology (China) China's severe weather terminology according to the CMA. Translation is likely needed from Chinese to English.
Oceanography, Limnology
- Asarka - island in the Red Sea
- Ben Bennett Park - Environmental Reserve in Caloundra on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
- Bowser Lake (Lake in British Columbia, resting place of Simon Gunanoot) ("Mount Gunanoot". BC Geographical Names. British Columbia. Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2020-08-11.)
- Bozai Darya - river
- Chongoni - mountain in Malawi
- Disi aquifer - "A so called fossil water" in Southern Jordan and Northern Saudi Arabia where "Much of the water in the Disi aquifer essentially hasn’t moved since it began dripping into the ground during the Pleistocene era, some 30 000 years ago," and is radioactive. [46]
- Faraglioni (Capri) - the three "famous" faraglioni located in the Bay of Naples, off the island of Capri. Don't you think they absolutely need an article, even better if translated from the Italian one? Thanks a lot ^_^
Floating Meadow- an ecological habitat of the Brazilian rainforest, where grasses clump together and form floating mats. Scientifically, this is discussed by Junk "Investigations on the ecology and production-biology of the 'Floating Meadows' (Paspalo-Echinochloetum) on the Middle Amazon". Other references are available here [47] and here [48]. In Europe the term seems to be loosely used interchangeably with "Water Meadow" or "Flooded Meadow" as seen in Wikipedia. However, this is due to the absence of an actual separate ecology in Europe making the distinction of less importance. There are many articles on Wikipedia which refer to floating meadows (such as the one on Piranhas), but unfortunately there is no article where the ecology is actually discussed.- Glaslyn (Montgomeryshire) - Lake in Montgomeryshire managed by the Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust ( - do not confuse with Glaslyn in Snowdonia.
- Hodges Seamount -
- Hot Creek Fish Hatchery
- Kufra and Sareer Basins -
- Lake Spokane - created during ice age behind glacier, WA state, USA
- Lake Moodie - small dry lake in South Australia. Small amounts of info can be found at: , ,,139.3074347,17.5z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x6ab9cb943c432659:0xf46ebd7b5ef26993!8m2!3d-34.6021134!4d139.308546
- Last Chance Valley - A valley where Richard Stoddard claimed there was a lake filled with gold nuggets; is this different than Last Chance Range?
- There is more than one Last Chance Valley. One is located "east of the Last Chance Range" in Death Valley [49]. Another is a historical valley in Plumas County, California, that is now filled by a reservoir called Frenchman Lake [50]. The latter is in the Gold Country and is likely the one requested. Gorthian (talk) 18:20, 9 August 2013 (UTC)
- List of mountains by elevation growth rate or "elevation increase rate", or whatever sounds better.
- Mendoza Andes
- Mount Sunday NZ Near Mount Potts and Rangitata River; see [51]
- Mount Sunday itself is called a "small hill" in the linked page, which calls into question its notability. Perhaps the requester wanted an article on the wetland? Gorthian (talk) 17:31, 9 August 2013 (UTC)
- Mount Velence - In hungarian and slovakian Wikipedia.
- Nallah Amir Khan, a water canal joining Dal Lake, Nigeen Lake, Gil Sar, and Khushal Sar, situated in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir.
- Okanogan lobe - glacial lobe in WA USA
- Seaton Marshes
- Terkezi oasis
- Tuscarora Creek (Goose Creek) - A large creek that gets it name from a street it's near, Tuscarora Drive; see disambiguation page
- The creek itself seems to lack notability; perhaps the requester wants an article on Tuscarora Creek Park? Gorthian (talk) 17:59, 9 August 2013 (UTC)
- Winton Wetlands (Winton Wetlands is a 8750 hectare reserve in north east Victoria, approximately 230km from Melbourne. Formerly known as Lake Mokoan, it is the largest wetland restoration project in the southern hemisphere) (
- Zquala - a dormant shield volcano west of Addis Ababa, on the Great Rift Valley
- Protected areas in the United Kingdom
- Exminster Marshes
- Frodsham Marsh
- Gwent Levels reserve
- Kenwith Nature Reserve
- Lackford wildfowl reserve
- Lower Test Marshes
- Old Hall Marshes
- Rutland Water Nature Reserve (Rutland Water Nature Reserve is an approximately 405-hectare nature reserve, west of the Empingham Reservoir in Rutland Water. It is best known for its variety of bird species. The Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trusts claim that 'Rutland boasts one of the best nature reserves in the UK.') ( (,importance%20under%20the%20Ramsar%20Convention).
- South Huish Marsh
- Swanton Novers Great Wood
- Thurlbear Quarrylands
- Yarenr Wood
- Locations in the Geological Society's 100 Great Geosites list
The following are titles of entries in the Geological Society's 100 Great Geosites list (see [52]) that are missing Wikipedia articles:
- Ace Lake, Antarctica
- Allenheads Lead Mining District
- Arnaboll
- Blindwells Open Cast Site, Tranent
- Buchan type metamorphism, Aberdeenshire
- Clashach Moray
- Cliffs of Slieve League
- Coast around Craster
- Cromer Glacio-tectonic folds
- Cwm Idwal and Darwin's Boulders
- Dalradian Marble, Knocknagar
- Dinosaur Footprints, Sully
- Drumlins of Clew Bay
- Elgol Minor Intrusions
- Folding at Broadhaven
- The Foreland Mountains, Assynt
- Funzie
- Glencoul
- Granite Pluton, Isle of Arran
- Hallival and Askival Layered Intrusions
- Laxford Brae Road Section
- Loch Monar Polyphase Folding
- Loughareema
- Lyme Regis Beaches
- Magnesian Limestone, South Shields
- Mixon Hole Deep Water Gully
- The Moho on the Heogs and Nikka Vord -- possible: Moho on the Heogs and Nikka Vord
- The Muidhe
- Permian Red Sandstone Cliffs, Dawlish
- Raised Beach at Loch Tarbert
- St John's Head
- Sand Volcanoes near Kilkee
- Sango Bay, Scotland
- Scourie More
- Slieve Gullion, Mountains of Mourne
- Snowball Earth Deposits, Islay
- Sub-Torridonian unconformity on the Assynt Road
- GK Gilbert Geologic View Park Park in Sandy, Utah named for GK Gilbert the geologist.
Other environment and geology terms
- Requests listed in this section may belong somewhere else. Please help by moving them to a suitable location.
- Alex's Dock
- Alienichthys - New Placoderm named in Jobbins et al., 2024.
- Bingham analysis - in relation to Stereoplots
- Black dirt - what kind of black dirt?
- Blue Obsidian - a man-made form of obsidian
- Bree Creek Quadrangle - A infamous contrived geologic map that is generally used for structural geology courses, and has an infamous reputation.
- cacao savanero - request for article about cacao savanero and the plant it comes from, as well as a section describing its relation to women and childbirth in the 20th century - via [[53]] via [[54]]
- Cahill-Keyes Map, see Dymaxion Map and
- Cailleux Index - a scale for measuring the roundness of pebbles/rocks
- Canadian amber
- Charles Forsling
- Chatham Break
- Chemical Fate and Transport [55]
- Concession Hunter - Individual or company seeking natural resource properties with the intent to obtain mining rights.
- Earth Conservation Corps
- Earthquake forecasting station - Atropatena - before starting an article please read these related deletion discussions Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Global Network for the Forecasting of Earthquakes (2nd nomination) & Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Communiqué "Geochange"
- Energy Literacy Project
- Farrington Carpenter
- ''Ficus populnea'' - A tree in the genus Ficus that is native to the Caribbean. -- Ficus populnea currently redirects to Ficus citrifolia - 2804:14D:5C59:8693:78B1:85C3:7303:100A (talk) 05:24, 26 August 2022 (UTC)
- Flat Hollow Earth - A theory claiming that the Earth is not spherical, but rather flat and hollow - if there's sufficient sources, try adding a section to Hollow Earth
- Foley's Drought Index
- Guohua, Peng - Chinese miner who survived seven days trapped following 2008 earthquake
- Green compensation
- Groundwater zone - a division of lands which accords to its geological, topographical, or aqueous features
- Hendy Test -geology
- Holly Blue Agate - anything please
- History of water - more detail please; history of human water use? of water engineering?
- Inertial interchange true polar wander
- Interlocking Stabilised Soil Blocks HYT Use themUN HabitatHYT againWarwick Uni StudyThe makers of the pressDesigntheother90published studyUK House of Commons Select Comittee reportCSUPD study
- interdiffusion
- Isostatic gravity anomaly[7]
- Jesuit Seismological Association
- Jordanian amber
- La Crescenta-Montrose flood of 1934
- Land and Water Conservation Fund Act - which one?
- List of most polluted rivers- A page with a list of the most polluted rivers, and including basic information like where the river is. This information can be found on the individual rivers page,, but no list anywhere. When you use a search, Citarum River is the first thing that comes up, and is the most polluted, but the second search result, Ohio River is the 16th most polluted river in America. This can be misleading.
- Longleaf Lumber - [56]
- Mantle avalanches
- Methane Pollution
- Nanofossil
- New Low Noise Model (NLNM) of the Earth
- North American Sylva - book by Andre Francois Michaux; does a book need its own article?
- Oryctology - the practice of fossil hunting [57] also described in the book 'Too Big to Walk' by Brian J. Ford [58] - more or less obsolete term for fossil collecting, which is where it should be added if anywhere
- oscillatory zoning in crystals
- Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array (PANGA) - linked to in Earthscope#Geodetic_Monitoring_of_the_Western_US_and_Hawaii; see [59] and [60]
- Pale Dock
- paleodendrology - request for article about the branch of paleobotany that deals with fossil trees.
- Patti katla, mineral
- Park management
- Placic - as in placic horizon - referred to in podzol, not sure if it merits a separate article
- Ponca - marl-and-sandstone soils important for winegrowing in parts of Friuli and Collio
- PPMD compression method
- Pulverized crystal
- Recreation management
- Reduced Impact Logging - Where is the category forestry sciences? This is special logging method
- Resonance coupling - is this already refered to by any of the articles mentioned in Coupling (physics)?
- Rhassoul Clay
- Rittmann serial index
- Robert Rakes Shrock – geologist
- Rock resistance
- Sehoo Highstand
- Sign of elongation – an optical property of mineral crystals
- Sludge retention time
- Spanish amber
- Stream drainage
- Trapped wave
- Trough compass
- W-phase Centroid Moment Tensor (WCMT) - a section could be added to focal mechanism to explain different methods of calculating moment tensors - unlikely to be a standalone article
- ^ variability of Marine Isotope Stage 7: direct land–sea–ice correlation from a multiproxy analysis of a north-western Iberian margin deep-sea core
- ^ variations during Marine Isotope Stage 7 and coastal tectonics in the eastern Seto Inland Sea area, western Japan
- ^ history of the marine isotope stage 7 interglacial complex at Ioannina, NW Greece
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^ "Introduction to Potential Fields: Gravity" (PDF). U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheets. FS–239–95. 1997. Retrieved 30 May 2019.