Wikipedia:Meetup/Wellington/Te Māori editathons at Te Papa
Tauoma Takatā a Te Māori ki Te Papa
Thank you to all the attendees of these editathons! Together we:
- Created 28 articles
- Edited 157 articles
- Added 900 references (628 on Wikidata)
- And made over 1200 edits.
The article for Te Maori has more than tripled in size, going from 17 to 54 references. There's a new article for Te Maori: Te Hokinga Mai and another for Mina McKenzie.
Campaign dashboard for both events
More about the editathons on Te Papa's blog
Ngā Kōrero mō te Kaupapa | Event details
Utu: Kore! Ka noho utukore te kuhunga mā ngā tāngata katoa o Aotearoa me ngā tāngata e noho ana ki Aotearoa. 10 i te ata ki te 4 i te ahiahi Rāhoroi 12 o Oketopa Hinātore, Papa 4 ki Te Papa, ki te taha o Tangata o le Moana Ngā whakaritenga: Ahokore, ngā wharepaku, kuhunga whaikaha |
Cost: Free! Entry to the museum remains free for all New Zealanders and people living in Aotearoa New Zealand. 10am to 4pm Saturday 12 October Hinātore, Level 4 at Te Papa, next to Tangata o le Moana Facilities: Wifi, bathrooms, accessible entrance |
He aha tēnei? | What is this?
Ko te huringa 40 tau tēnei o Te Māori, te whakaaturanga taonga Māori whakahirahira i haere ki te Amerika, kātahi ka hoki mai ki Aotearoa. Tēnā te tai timu ka pao te tōrea ki te whakahaere i ngā tauoma takatā e rua hei whakapai ake i ngā kōrero ā-tuhi e hāngai ana ki te whakaaturanga. E wātea mai nei ēnei tauoma takatā ki te hunga tauhou me te hunga mōhio ringa takatā mātāpunenga. Nāu kake mai mēnā e:
Ka hora mai he kai, ā, mēnā koe e kūare ana ki te kaupapa, e pai ana, hei reira anō te ringa āwhina. |
This year is the 40th anniversary of Te Māori, the landmark exhibition of taonga Māori that travelled to the United States before returning home to Aotearoa. We’re taking this opportunity to hold two editathons to improve articles about and related to the exhibition. These editathons are open to new and experienced Wikipedians. Come along if:
Kai provided, and no experience necessary, support will be on hand. |
Ka tū ēnei huihuinga otirā kia tino whai huarahi mai e te hunga rangatahi ki ngā kōrero mō Te Māori. Ko te whāinga ia kia whai māramatanga anō rātou mō Te Māori kia kitea hoki tana hirahira me tana whai take tonu, me ana hononga e rere nei i roto i a ia. Hei reira anō mātou ki te whakawhanake i ngā pūkenga mā te ako tahi tētahi ki tētahi. Inā noa atu ngā akoranga mā te hunga mōhio ringa takatā mātāpunenga, koia, whakawhitiwhiti whakaaro, anā hī! Ka arotahia ko ngā kaupapa matua ka whakaritea mai e ngā uri Māori, hui tahi ki te Kāhui Kaitiaki, me ngā Kaimahi hoki o Te Papa. Ka tonoa ngā Tāngata Tiriti ki te āwhina i ngā kaiuru Māori mā te tautoko i ā rātou whāinga. |
These events are being held to make the kōrero around Te Māori more accessible, especially to rangatahi. We want to make it easy for them to understand its importance and ongoing relevance, and the relationships that run throughout it. We’re also going to be there to build skills by learning from each other. Experienced Wikipedians still have plenty to learn, so share your whakaaro. We’ll be focusing on the topics prioritised through Māori input, including Kāhui Kaitiaki and Kaimahi from Te Papa. Tāngata Tiriti are asked to support Māori participants by supporting their goals. |
Mō Te Māori | About Te Māori
Ko Te Māori te whakaaturanga tuatahi o te ao nāna te taonga i whakamana kia hira atu i tētahi hanga pūtaiao noa, e hāpai ana i tō te taonga taha wairua, taha toi hoki. I muri i ngā tini tau o te kōrerorero me te whakariterite, ka whakatuwherahia te whakaaturanga i te 10 o Hepetema, 1984, i te Met Museum ki te Āporo Nui. Nō muri i tana hāereere ki St Louis, ki San Francisco, ki Chicago hoki, ka hoki mai ngā taonga ki Aotearoa, ka haere tonu te whakaaturanga Te Māori: Te Hokinga Mai. I tēnei āhua ōna ka torotoro haere ki Pōneke, ki Ōtautahi, ki Ōtepoti, ki Tāmaki Makaurau anō. I huri ai ngā whakaaro o te Pākehā ki te nuinga o ngā taonga me te ao Māori nā te haurongo o te whakaaturanga puta noa i te ao, i whakaohooho nei i te whakarauoratanga o te ahurea Māori. I huri anō ai ngā tikanga whakahaere whare taonga nā te ū rawa o ngā uri Māori i te haerenga roatanga o te whakaaturanga, nā tēnei i āwhina te whanaketanga o Te Papa Tongarewa i ngā tau 1990.
Te Māori was the first major international exhibition that treated taonga as more than ethnographic objects, reflecting their spiritual and artistic qualities. After many years of discussion and planning, the exhibition opened at the Met Museum in New York on 10 September 1984. After travelling to St Louis, San Francisco and Chicago, the taonga returned to Aotearoa and the exhibition continued as Te Māori: Te Hokinga Mai'. In this form the exhibition visited Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Auckland. The international profile given to the exhibition changed Pākehā perspectives on taonga and Māori culture overall, impacting on the ongoing Māori cultural renaissance. The deep involvement of Māori throughout the life of the exhibition also changed museum practice, contributing to the redevelopment of the National Museum as Te Papa in the 1990s. |
Whakaritea mō ia rā | Plan for each day
Mātua whakarite kia mauria mai tō rorohiko kawe me te whakahiko. Ka hora mai he kai, he kawhe. Kia mahara ake kia kaua e mauria mai he kai ki roto i te whare taonga. Whakamōhiotia mai mēnā me whakarite kai motuhake māu. Rā tuatahi (28 o Hepetema) Ata
Kai! Ahiahi
Rā tuarua (12 o Oketopa) Ata
Kai! Ahiahi
Make sure you bring your laptop and charger. Kai and coffee are provided. Please remember that food is not to be brought into the museum. Let us know if you have any special dietary requirements. Day one (28 September) Morning
Kai! Afternoon
Day two (12 October) Morning
Kai! Afternoon
Kia rite ki te takatā | Get ready to edit
Mēnā koe kāore i rēhita mai, ka taea e koe te mahi ināianei tonu mai i tēnei whārangi, pānui rānei i tēnei aratohu kia āwhinatia. Ka oti ana te rēhita mai, honoa atu ki te papatohu kia kitea ai te nui o ngā mahi ka oti tahi i a tātou. He whanaunga ōu kua whai wheako ki Te Māori? Kōrero atu ki a rātou – mā tēnei koe e āwhina pea ki te whakatau he aha te mahi māu, me pēhea rānei ki te whakawhanaunga atu ki ētahi atu kaiuru. |
If you’re not signed up, you can do that right now from this page or read this guide page for help. Once you’re signed up, join the dashboard so we can see how much we all get done together. Got whānau who experienced Te Māori? Have a kōrero with them – this might help you decide what you want to work on or make connections with other participants. |
Ngā rauemi me ngā aratohu | Sources and guides
Come as a helping hand
If you're an experienced Wikipedian who wants to attend to help newer editors, please book in using the links above, and put your username below:
- Avocadobabygirl (talk)
- Stitchbird2 (talk)
- Gertrude206 (talk) will contribute online. I don't want to come and share my cold germs!
- Schwede 66 – online; see notes on talk page
- Einebillion (talk)
- Eyeup
- User:Ambrosia10
- Winnieswikiworld Joining 12 October online
Tauoma takatā | Editathon
Ringa takatā mātāpunenga | Wikipedian
Ringa takatā | Editor
Sources about Te Maori
Publications and links you can read and reference
- Includes people, groups and concepts too