
Wikipedia:Meetup/LA/Wikipedia Day LA 2019

Wikipedia Day LA
A Celebration of Wikipedia's 18th Birthday
When and Where
Date:February 24, 2019
Address:Ace Hotel
929 S Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Social media
FacebookWikipedia LA on Facebook

Consider the Source: An afternoon of panels, presentations and conversations on the subject of sources, and cake (locally sourced) in celebration of Wikipedia's 18th Birthday.



  • Talk Page Theater
  • Birthday cake (Source: Hansen's).


Add your name to the list below, or RSVP via Eventbrite


(For those with a Wikipedia account, you can put your username here — everyone can RSVP via Eventbrite)


  • Kholdfyre (talk · contribs) - You have my deepest regrets on being unable to attend this outstanding event due to transportation issues and family obligations on 24 February. However, I sincerely hope that this will not be the only Wikipedia Day, and that there might even be one held in Los Angeles or near it in the future, as I would have liked very much to attend. I appreciate the RSVP and you have my eternal gratitude for all the preparation and work that went into making it the success I know it will be. Have fun! :) I also, by the way, apologize for not having a customized user or talk page, but will shortly be adding to both, as I really love Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis, as well as learning, reading, writing and language in general. Kholdfyre (talk) 05:48, 24 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  • here - Thank you!
  • Vaparedes (talk · contribs) - Ended up missing this, apologies --Vaparedes (talk) 02:15, 11 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]
