

An opportunity for Wiki people (Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia etc) to get together. Everybody's welcome, new or experienced.

There'll be table top signage to show where and who we are!

Date: Tuesday, 21 September 2021
Time: 7pm onwards
Location: Christchurch CBD


Salut Salut, inside The Welder on Welles Street; there is free WiFi.


Add your Wikipedia username if you have one. Tip: you can just type asterisk-space-three tildes (* ~~~)


Agenda items

Round the table – what's everyone up to?

  • Schwede: working on disambiguations of author names of science papers in Wikidata (demonstrated author disambiguation tool); new article on recently trending location of Whakatīwai
  • Ratso: working on Open Source government project
  • MurielMary: updating Paralympians' pages with their 2020 medals; new article on new Silver Fern Tiana Metuarau


Wikidata items:

  • Ann Parsonson (Q108619904)
  • He whenua te utu (The payment will be land) (Q108620019)
  • Jarrod Gilbert (Q108619839)
  • Reducing Recidivism: An Evaluation of The Pathway Total Reintegration Programme (Q108621212)

New article draft:

Next event/keeping in touch