Wikipedia:Last edit topic pool
This is a pool for guessing what the last edit made on Wikipedia may be. Other pools exist for certain milestones (see one millionth and two-millionth topic pools, Wikipedia:500th language pool and Wikipedia:Last topic pool), but none are as important as the last edit made. You may be wondering why something might be the last edit. Well,
- Wikipedia might go under
- Interest in Wikipedia might dwindle to the point that nobody edits it ever again
- the Earth (or at least the Internet) may end in some catastrophic fashion
- Wikipedia might simply be finished with the sum total of all current and future human knowledge
- Or Wikipedia will change its name, therefore the "last edit" would be the last under the name of Wikipedia.
But just like there was a first edit, there should undoubtedly be a last. This is the pool for that eventuality! Everyone is allowed a maximum of three votes. Voting ends when the ten-thousandth-to-last edit is made. And by the way, someone should probably periodically archive this page, because when we need it to check and see who's won, it may not be around any longer.
Instructions for voting: Add the article name to the appropriate section and sign it with four tildes. If the section doesn't exist yet, make it.
Television, movies, and pop culture
Announcing the last edit winner on this page. --Misc Practice (talk | contributions) 04:57, 11 January 2023 (UTC)
- We did it bois, Wikipedia is perfect.Filler txt (talk) 00:24, 9 April 2023 (UTC)
- agree with this guy Soulware2 (talk) 19:53, 13 September 2023 (UTC)
Some five years after somebody makes an edit with summary "This is Wikipedia's last edit," somebody will find a random typo on some page and fix it with the edit summary "No, THIS is Wikipedia's last edit!" {{Lemondoge|Talk|Contributions}} 19:27, 30 May 2023 (UTC)
The tense on the Wikipedia article will be changed from "is" to "was" by an admin who then proceeds to lock article creation and editing, archiving the site. Koopinator (talk) 07:04, 19 April 2024 (UTC)
Some guy will say THIS IS THE LAST EVER EDIT in 2070 because we'll all due buses of climate chingeMarioFyreFlower (talk) 20:35, 4 September 2022 (UTC)
Science and Technology
- It will be impossible to determine what the last edit was, though it will happen as Wikipedia changes its name through some worldwide-scale event. While transitioning to the new name, the old name is still kept around for various reasons, and there are random revivals or edits every few months, then years, then decades, and somewhere along the line a revival of the same name as Wikipedia is a different thing than what Wikipedia has become, but that somewhere is blurry and irreducible. (But just to guess something, I'll put a rephrasing of some sentence in quantum physics) AltoStev (talk) 20:26, 24 November 2024 (UTC)