Born in Lisbon in 1954, male, married university professor, of the MD-PhD sort; currently teaches medicine students to use word processors and spreadsheets.
Main hobby is was photography, with a couple individual exhibitions.
Many photos of mine are on Usefilm
and DeviantArt .
Contributes to the English Wikipedia , the Portuguese Wikipedia , Wikiversity and Wikiquote , where Xyzt1234 user pages exist.
38°32′06″N 08°10′30″W / 38.53500°N 8.17500°W / 38.53500; -8.17500
Pages I've been about
This User
70This user is 70 years, 4 months, and 14 days old. (Purge )
This user is old enough to remember what a typewriter is, and that's all you need to know.
This user remembers VHS . ±
This user still remembers these .
C:\>_ This user uses DOS , or knows how to use it.
This user prefers making userboxes to arguing with other editors.
W3C This user believes in compliance with W3C standards.
This user writes valid XHTML .
Lipsum This user uses lorem ipsum as placeholder text to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation.
This user maintains a blog .
This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user owns 7 working computers .
This user contributes using Ubuntu .
This user wishes that the manufacturer did not install Windows Vista on their computer.
This user loves food in moderation.
ORG This user would rather eat organic food than tampered-with food
This user likes their steak .
This user is interested in beauty .
This user loves to read .
This user loves rainy days.
?met? This user prefers metric units and cannot figure out why Americans and Brits have such a hard time with them.
This user enjoys the interesting and weird works of Douglas Adams .
George Orwell taught this user everything they need to know about the government.
This user pretends ignorance and stupidity for tactical reasons.
This user has hypercholesterolemia but now thinks the case against cholesterol is unproven, so chooses healthy diet/lifestyle over medication.
WARNING! This user sleeps a lot.
This user does NOT get along with his/her digestive system.
This user may contain Poison gas . Store them in an upright position at all times, and encourage them to forgo Baked beans .
This user exists. This is not claiming that this user is not a bot, sockpuppet, blocked user, or inactive user, it is just stating that this user EXISTS. He/She/It/They would like to point out that the reader must exist as well. Existent
This user is a child at heart. They might have grown older, but they'll never grow up.
This user doesn't care what your "ancestries " are; this user likes people for what they are and not because of a place of birth !
This user will NOT swear, not to God, on the Bible or anything else. This user lets their Yes be Yes and their No be No. [James 5:12 ].
This user is interested in Neopaganism and/or is a Neopagan .
This user is interested in alchemy .
This user is a Thelemite
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the Law, Love under Will.
This user would be perfectly fine with humanity if it weren't for all those people .
UTC This user's time zone is UTC .
It is approximately 11:46 PM where this user lives.
This user was born in the Year of the Horse . 馬
This user needs more userboxes . MORE , I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!
This user knows that their userboxes are disorganised but has decided that they don't really care.
ubx -5This user uses entirely too many userboxes .
This user was up all night finding userboxes and is now very drowsy.
This user prefers using userboxes to fill up their user page instead of actually writing something useful.
This user provides information using userboxes because he or she is bored.
This user
remembers smoking in buses, trains, airplanes and hospital infirmaries as a matter of course
flew on a DC-3 , a Noratlas , a DC-6 and a Caravelle
flew a Chipmunk and a T-37 as student
remembers carbon paper , copy paper, and retyping an entire work because of a single typo
had his life saved by this new medication, tetracycline
remembers having thrived on unpasteurized cow milk
was considered badly retarded by his rather illiterate Portuguese primary teachers
remembers when there was no TV in Portugal, no FM, and only 4 radio stations
remembers using London-style red phone boots , double-decker buses and mail pillar boxes in Lisbon
remembers having sent and received telegrams
made standard 8 mm movies in black and white
made and edited 16 mm movies in color
remembers watching 70 mm movies
remembers when bikinis were still unthinkable if not forbidden in Portugal, and that many people sunbathed in dress or suit
remembers houses without bathroom (or kitchen, or plumbing) and still knows of many within a 2 km radius of his country house
was taught set theory , probability theory , algebraic structures and basic calculus in 10-11th grade
remembers when photocopiers were so expensive and far-fetched that stencil stayed an option
remembers that the poorest women and children went barefoot
knows first-hand that you have to kill if you want to eat (plants are alive too)
was born when world population was two billion something
once thought that the year 2000 was beyond his wildest imagination
once thought that autofocus was an interesting possibility for photo cameras
remembers calling operator to phone out of town
briefly operated a telephone switchboard
remembers Lisbon almost without cars and no outdoors
remembers the Tagus with dolphins and clear waters and seeing the bottom
received only the smallpox , polio and tetanus vaccines as a child
had mumps , chickenpox , measles , epidemic hepatitis and you name it and feels great, thanks
remembers taking six hours by car from Lisbon to Oporto , about the same to Évora and eight or so to Serpa
learned to use a slide ruler and tables of logarithms with six decimal places
remembers having used a time-sharing teletype with BASIC
learned to program with a Ti-58 calculator
this user's first personal computer was a Sinclair ZX80
this user first did word processing with LocoScript running on CP/M on an Amstrad PCW 8256 computer
used WordStar 4 as a text processor (though WordPerfect 5.1 was far better)
first computer at workplace was a Wang_2200
remembers colleagues who used punch tape and programmed directly in octal with the computer's console switches
used punch cards
remembers using MS-DOS 3.1
and Windows 3.0 and that it wasn't very good
was the sysop of a BBS he set up working
remembers when there were no ads nor commercial sites on the Web. And when there was no Web.
is a Civilization IV and Flight Simulator junkie and flies on the IVAO network
was a doctor when hearing the patient and a thorough physical examination were important and would have loved to have worked for the Médecins_Sans_Frontières , but thing$ being a$ they are...
this user etc.