


For a common inclusive and SERIOUS Asturleonese Wikipedia

It is now impossible to edit Wikipedia in a standard that is not the official one (so ultra-simplified, parochial & arbitrary). It has been occupied by editors with an intolerant bias, squatters, & besides without any inclusive wish. That's why potential Wikipedians from Leon, the West, the East, & as well as other variants that may eventually be exposed on the project have no representation in fact & cannot contribute plublishing, on what is, in principle, a non-governmental project. To write "muito" for "muncho" is a reason for excommunication, perhaps suspition of "pro-galician" word forms.

It contributes to the paradox that the mold is more important than the cupcakes: the standard is inflexible, however the content has VERY LOW QUALITY, BEING MOST OF IT AUTOMATIC TRANSLATIONS WITHOUT ANY CORRECTION. This is inadmissible in a reference work such as Wikipedia. The Asturian Wikipedia is just transvestite Spanish text: The initial L's of the words turn into LL's, every single word finish in -U, & in place of J, X. (& sometimes, not even so, so bad is that translator). Voilà the equation of transforming a text into Asturian LL+X+(-U)= AST. Magic.

They have set as a goal to make a many translations as possible to reach 100.000, a factory of articles, without reviewing them at all. What matters just the counter leaping over 100.000 articles.

They are indecent. It is not serious. Go round this Wiki to laugh out loud. The world is laughing at us.

The prototyp of this Wikipedia must be the one of the Romantsch, where it is possible to edit in five "idioms" (variants) & also by right using the common script : "romantsch grischun", citation (excerpt):

"Which dialect? Could someone please tell me which dalect is used in this rumantsch wikipedia: is it Rumantsch Grischun or another one. In fact I about to create a Rusyn Wikipedia, and I have the problem: which norms to choose... It's interesting how a language that also has many dialects functions on Wikipeidia. Thank you for your answers..." "Most articles are written in rumantsch grischun. But we can't prohibit anyone to write in his idiom. I think the best will be to begin a new article in this case. Example: "Mustér" written in rumantsch grischun, "Mustér (sursilvan)" written in sursilvan (idiom). Gion-andri 20:40, 26 December 2007 (CET)

Other languages, as briton (three norms) or norvegian (Bokmal & many Nynorsk variants ) proceed with this polygraphic pattern.

Another case is that of the Aragonese Wiki or already the beginning of being able to publish local variants in the common version: <a href="https://an.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portalada" rel="nofollow">https://an.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portalada</a>

Please force this shame to stop.