
User:Welland R

I have an M.A. from Yale University, and my research interests include queer theory, 19th-century same-sex eroticism, and Victorian and Edwardian books for boys. After a year spent traveling, I hope to enter a doctoral program and work on 19th- and early-20th-century sex instruction manuals. Much of my work is based on earlier research by scholars such as Dr. Lesley Hall. I was formerly involved with the Larry Kramer Initiative for Gay and Lesbian Studies. For some time I have been writing a set of analyses of the ways that the historical novels of Mary Renault use Greco-Roman pederastic dynamics to provide a space for handling same-sex eroticism in a more general sense, as a way for Renault to express her own lesbian desires. Although I am a vocal advocate for LGBTQ equality and a lesbian, I recognize the distinct need for impartiality in a venue such as Wikipedia.