
Deepak Sunny Veliath currently resides in Campbell, CA, USA. He is from the village Koratty in Thrissur district in the South Indian state of Kerala.
Veliath has been working for a software services company since 1995. His work involves low-level programming and architecting in the UNIX environment — primarily kernels, X Server DDXs and throughput I/O devices.
Major contributions to Wikipedia
- Rendering Wikipedia legibly on the Treo 650's default web browser - Blazer.
- On the heterogeneity of the Syrian Christian community. Contributors seem to think Syrian Christians are all the same - culturally and genetically. Not true as far as he can tell. He didn't want to put the content up in any article page. Instead, it was added to the most relevant article's (Kerala's) talk page and his. That way he can point to it should a discussion come up.
- Documented with citations the likely West Asian identity of the Mappila communities of Kerala in the History section of the Kerala page and in the Overseas_contact section of the History_of_Kerala page.