

Tory88 is a student in the United Kingdom studying A2-Levels. He is studying Physics, Mathematics and Further Mathematics. He has applied to five British universities: Oxford, Durham, Warwick, Loughborough and Sheffield. He plans to go on to study Physics to Phd level with specialisation in subatomic particles.


Aside from his academic studies, Tory88 also has interests in varied topics. He is an avid follower of politics, regularly reading The Economist and participating in debating societies weekly. He has a key interest in professional wrestling post-1980, with particular focus upon TNA, ROH and the original ECW. Tory88 also has an interest in the 'real' sports of MMA and Judo (where he is a novice (white belt).


This user is a judoka.
This user has a keen interest in physics.
This user is interested in politics.