Rawmustard (born October 3, 1980 in Kalamazoo, Michigan) is a shipping and receiving clerk who is generally interested in Wikipedia. He has made some minor edits before becoming a member January 23, 2006, but is looking to start some articles in his spare time.
He has a penchant for correcting biographies' categories that aren't sorted by surname. He also would like to correct all instances of the grammatically incorrect phrase "due to," but realizes such a task may never be accomplished because of the constraints of time.
Thanks to Wikipedia, Rawmustard no longer uses ordinals in dates on other sites where he can easily change their display.
Template:User NHL-RedWings (note: not an article, but made a userbox that declares Wingnut status. It since has been moved to a user's space per Wikipedia policy.)
Articles I'd like to create/contribute/see created
Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center - should receive own article as it is an active installation within DoD and has its own notability outside of being the former Sanitarium. I should avoid editing this one because of possibly running afoul of NPOV.
NOTE: Feel free to help out with any of these. I'm editing these as subpages of my own in order to not affect the actual articles until I can make them more cohesive.