


Articles I've created

(* or might as well have)

Saul Alinsky - The American Voter - Ed Asner - American Federation of Government Employees - American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees - American Federation of Teachers - Benjamin Barber - Clinton health care plan - Communications Workers of America - E.J. Dionne - Dr. John - GOPAC* - Granny D - Stan Greenberg - Christine Gregoire* - Hard money (politics) - Harry and Louise - Hill committee - Richard Hofstadter - Independent expenditure - V. O. Key, Jr. - Michael Kinsley* - Mike Lowry - McConnell v. FEC - Ed McCurdy - Robert McChesney* - Manning Marable - Ken Mehlman - National Election Studies - National Labor Relations Board* - People for the American Way - Political party committee - Robert Putnam - Dixie Lee Ray - Tim Roemer - Dino Rossi - Phyllis Schlafly* - Sojourners* - Andy Stern - Tax revolt - Joe Trippi - Norman Thomas - UNITE HERE - Jim Wallis - War Powers Clause - Cornel West

Sherman Alexie - Amherst, Massachusetts - Amalgamated Transit Union - Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act - Blue-Green Alliance - Bill Bradley - Campaign finance reform - Campaign manager - Wesley Clark - Eldridge Cleaver - Daisy (television commercial) - Howard Dean - Eugene V. Debs - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Craft unionism - Democratic Party (United States) - Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee - Democratic Socialists of America - Democratic Underground - Marian Wright Edelman - Tim Eyman - Barry Goldwater - Green Party of the United States - Woody Guthrie - Hampshire College - Willie Horton - I approve this message - Industrial unionism - Jay Inslee - International Socialist Organization - Kirkland, Washington - Dennis Kucinich - Labor Party of America - Libertarian Party (United States) - List of pacifists - List of trade unions#United States - John Kerry presidential campaign, 2004 - John Lewis (politician) - Edgar Martinez - Marxian economics - Ralph Nader - National Education Association - National Republican Congressional Committee - National Republican Senatorial Committee - Fred Newman - New social movements - Kevin Phillips - Political campaign#Modern election campaigns in the US - Category:Political consultants - Political consulting - Politics of the United States#Organization of American Political Parties - Push poll - Reagan Democrat - Republican/Democrat In Name Only - Republican Party (United States) - Ripon Society - Romero (film) - Simon Rosenberg - Theda Skocpol - Seattle Mariners - Seattle Times - Service Employees International Union - Bob Shrum - Ron Sims - Social capital - Students for a Democratic Society - John Sweeney (labor leader) - Category:Theologians - Category:United States historians - Vote to Stop Bush - Washington gubernatorial election, 2004 - What's the Matter with Kansas? - David Weinberger - WTO Meeting of 1999 - Howard Zinn

Miscellaneous material in my user space


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