
User:PotatoBot/Lists/Glottolog log

Log for the addition of Glottolog codes to language infoboxes (Task 7). Date: 2 June 2014.


  1. Some language (ISO 639-3 code/glottocode, from database): ISO codes and dialect names / glottocodes, from {{Infobox language}} (if applicable)

See Category:Language articles missing Glottolog code.

Multiple ISO codes and mismatching, missing or surplus glottocode(s)

These Glottolog codes were entered by hand and are generally correct.
  1. !Kung language (kfl/kung1260): aue, gfx, vaj, ktz, mwj, knw, oun / juku1256
  2. Amami language (ams/sout2954, kzg/kika1239, okn/okin1246, ryn/nort2935, tkn/toku1246): tkn, ams, kzg, ryn / amam1245
  3. Amuzgo language (azg/sanp1260, azm/ipal1235): azm, azg, amu / amuz1254
  4. Ancash Quechua (qvh/huam1248, qwa/coro1247, qwh/huay1240, qws/sihu1235, qxn/nort2979, qxo/sout2992): qvh, qws, qxo, qwh, qxn, qwa / huay1239
  5. Arakanese language (ccq/chau1262, rki/rakh1245, rmz/marm1234): rmz, rki / arak1255
  6. Armenian language (hye/nucl1235): xcl, axm, hye / arme1241
  7. Ashéninga language (cjo/ashe1273, cpb/ucay1237, cpu/pich1237, cpy/sout3127, prq/ashe1272): cpb, prq, cpy, cpu, cjo / ashe1271
  8. Atta language (atp/pudt1235, att/pamp1244, azt/fair1238, dyg/vill1242): atp, azt, att, dyg / atta1244
  9. Aymara language (ayc/sout2996, ayr/cent2142): ayc, ayr, aym / nucl1667
  10. Azerbaijani language (azb/sout2697, azj/nort2697): qxq, azb, slq, azj, aze / none, azer1255, sout2696
  11. Bai language (bca/cent2004, bdj/baii1251, bfc/nort2724, bfs/sout2730, lay/lama1289): lay, bfs, bfc, bca / baic1239
  12. Balanta language (bjt/bala1302, ble/bala1301): bjt, ble / bala1300
  13. Balochi language (bcc/sout2642, bgn/west2368, bgp/east2304): ktl, bgn, bcc, bgp, bal / balo1260
  14. Baltic Romani (rml/balt1257): rml, rmf / kalo1256, balt1257
  15. Bandjalang language (bdy/band1339, rkw/arak1254): rkw, bdy, gih, xjb / band1339
  16. Bari language (bfa/bari1284): keo, mqu, bfa / bari1283
  17. Bayono-Awbono language (awh/awbo1238, byl/bayo1260): awh, byl / bayo1259
  18. Bhojpuri language (bho/bhoj1244): hns, bho, "Caribbean Hindustani" / bhoj1246
  19. Bidjara language (bym/bidy1243, gwu/guwa1243, gyf/gung1248, gyy/guny1241, kgl/kung1258, wdu/wadj1255, zmc/marg1253, zmk/mand1417): zmk, gwu, zmc, wdu, bym, kgl, wdy, gyy, gyf, xyb, ygi / sout2765
  20. Bila language (bip/bila1255, kzy/kang1285): kzy, bip / bila1255, kang1285, belu1239
  21. Biri language (bzr/biri1256, gnl/gang1268): bzr, gnl, xgi / east2716
  22. Bozo language (boo/tiem1235, boz/tiey1235, bze/jena1242, bzx/hain1253): bze, boo, boz, bzx / bozo1252
  23. Breton language (bre/bret1244): xbm, obt, bre / bret1244
  24. Bube language (bbx/bubi1249, buw/bubi1250, bvb/bube1242): bbx, bvb, "Bubia (Wovea)" / bube1242
  25. Budza language (bja/budz1238, tmv/temb1272): tmv, bja / temb1272, egbu1235
  26. Burmese language (mya/nucl1310): rki, rmz, tvn, tco, int, mya / sout3159
  27. Carolina Algonquian language (crr/caro1243, lmz/lumb1237): pmk, lmz, crr / caro1243, lumb1237
  28. Chakobo language (cao/chac1251, pcp/paca1246, snh/shin1267): snh, pcp, cao / chac1251, shin1267, paca1246, kari1312
  29. Chhattisgarhi language (hne/chha1249): sgj, hne / chha1249
  30. Chiapas Zoque (zoc/copa1236, zor/rayo1235, zos/fran1266): zos, zor, zoc / chia1261
  31. Chinese Sign Language (csl/chin1283): hks, csl / chin1283, hong1241
  32. Comorian language (wlc/mwal1237, wni/ndzw1235, zdj/ngaz1238): wlc, wni, swb, zdj / como1260
  33. Cornish language (cor/corn1251): cnx, oco, cor / corn1251
  34. Corsican language (cos/cors1241): sdn, sdc, cos / cors1242, sass1235
  35. Cuicatec language (cut/teut1235, cux/tepe1280): cut, cux / cuic1234
  36. Daka language (ccg/samb1311, dir/diri1253, ldh/lamj1245): dir, ldh, ccg / tara1325
  37. Danish language (dan/dani1285): jut, dan / dani1284
  38. Dida language (dic/lako1244, gud/yoco1235): dic, gud / dida1245
  39. Ding language (diz/ding1239, nlo/ngul1247): nlo, diz / ding1239, nzad1234, ngul1247, lwel1234
  40. Duli language (duz/duli1241, guv/geya1234): guv, duz / duli1241
  41. Dusun language (dtp/cent2100, ktr/kota1278, kzs/sugu1243, kzt/tamb1254, mqq/mino1243, tdu/temp1235): mqq, tdu, ktr, kzs, kzt, dtp / dusu1277
  42. Dutch language (nld/dutc1256): vls, zea, nld / mode1257
  43. Duvle language (duv/duvl1242): duv, none / duvl1242, duvl1238
  44. Dzongkha (adp/adap1234, dzo/dzon1239): luk, adp, lya, dzo / nucl1307
  45. Escarpment Dogon (dds/donn1238, dts/toro1252): dds, dto, dts / esca1235
  46. Estonian language (est/esto1258): vro, ekk, est / esto1258
  47. Fali languages (Cameroon) (fal/sout2782, fll/nort2770): fll, fal / adam1254
  48. Fox language (kic/kick1244, sac/mesk1242): kic, sac / foxx1245
  49. Fula language (fub/adam1253, fue/borg1235, fuh/west2454, fui/bagi1244, fuq/cent2018, fuv/nige1253): fuq, fuv, fue, fuh, fuf, ffm, fuc, fub, fui, ful / fula1264
  50. Giimbiyu language (err/erre1238, urc/urni1239, zme/mang1382): urc, err, zme / giim1238
  51. Guiyang Miao (hmg/sout2756, hmy/sout1555, huj/nort1545): hmy, hmg, huj / guiy1235
  52. Gullah language (gul/gull1241): afs, gul, "Afro-Seminole Creole" / gull1241
  53. Gǁana language (gnk/gana1274): gwj, gnk / anaa1239
  54. Haida language (hax/sout2956, hdn/nort2938): none, hax, hdn, hai / haid1248
  55. Hebrew language (heb/hebr1245): xdm, obm, hbo, smp, heb / hebr1246
  56. Hill Nubian languages (dil/dill1242, drb/dair1239, elh/elhu1238, ghl/ghul1238, kdu/kada1282, wll/wali1262): drb, elh, wll, dil, kdu, kko, ghl / kord1246
  57. Hittite language (hit/hitt1242): nei, hit, htx, oht / hitt1242
  58. Hlai languages (lic/hlai1239): cuq, lic / nucl1241
  59. Hmong language (cqd/chua1256, hmf/hmon1263, hmv/hmon1332, hmz/hmon1331, hnj/hmon1264, hrm/horn1235, mww/hmon1333): hrm, hmz, cqd, mww, hnj, hmv, hmf, / firs1234
  60. Hmu language (hea/nort2747, hmq/east2370, hms/sout2754): hmq, hms, hea / east2369
  61. Huasteca Nahuatl (nch/cent2134, nhe/east2538, nhw/west2624): nch, nhw, nhe / huas1257
  62. Huave language (hue/sanf1258, huv/sanm1287, hve/sand1278, hvv/sant1422): hvv, huv, hue, hve / huav1256
  63. Huishui Miao (hmc/cent2013, hme/east2372, hmh/sout2755, hmi/nort2749): hmh, hme, hmi, hmc / huis1239
  64. Hungarian language (hun/hung1274): ohu, hun / hung1274
  65. Huánuco Quechua (qub/hual1241, qvl/caja1239, qvm/marg1254, qxa/chiq1249, qxh/pana1306): qxa, qub, qvm, qxh, qvl / apam1237, marg1254
  66. Indo-Pakistani Sign Language (ins/indi1237, pks/paki1242): pks, ins / indi1237, paki1242
  67. Inupiat language (esi/nort2943, esk/nort2945): esk, esi, ipk / inup1234
  68. Isthmus Mixe (mco/coat1238, mir/isth1238, mzl/maza1292): mir, mzl, mco / lowl1263
  69. Isthmus Nahuatl (nhc/taba1265, nhk/isth1240, nhp/isth1241, nhx/isth1242): nhc, nhx, nhp, nhk / isth1245
  70. Javanese language (jas/newc1244, jav/java1254, jvn/cari1276, tes/teng1272): kaw, osi, tes, jvn, jas, jav / java1253
  71. Kanum language (kcd/ngka1235, khd/badi1247, krz/sota1242, kxq/smar1235): kxq, khd, krz, kcd / kanu1280
  72. Kanuri language (bms/bilm1238, kby/mang1399, knc/cent2050, krt/tuma1248): bms, kbl, kby, krt, knc, kau / kanu1279
  73. Katukina-Kanamari language (kav/nucl1668, knm/kana1291): kav, knm / katu1275
  74. Kaure language (bpp/kaur1271, nxu/nara1265): nxu, bpp / kaur1272
  75. Kele language (Gabon) (nra/ngom1270): nra, keb / kele1264, ngom1275
  76. Keresan languages (kee/east1472, kjq/west2632): kjq, kee / kere1287
  77. Khamyang language (ksu/kham1291, nrr/norr1243): nrr, ksu / kham1291
  78. Khandeshi language (ahr/ahir1243, khn/khan1272): ahr, khn, / khan1271
  79. Khmer language (khm/cent1989, qok/oldk1249): kxm, khm / khme1253
  80. Khoekhoe language (naq/nama1264): naq, hgm / nort3245
  81. Khwe language (hnh/anii1246, xuu/kxoe1243): hnh, xuu / kxoe1242
  82. Kichwa language (qud/cald1236, qug/chim1302, qup/sout2990, quw/tena1240, qvi/imba1240, qvj/loja1235, qvo/napo1242, qvz/nort2973, qxl/sala1272, qxr/cana1262): qxr, qug, qup, qud, inj, qvo, inb, qvi, qvj, qvz, qxl, quw / colo1257
  83. Kinnauri language (cik/chit1279, jna/jang1254, kfk/kinn1249, kzq/kaik1246, nes/bhot1235, scu/shum1243, tpq/tukp1239): scu, tpq, ssk, jna, nes, cik, kfk, kjo, ??? / kinn1250
  84. Korean language (kor/kore1280): okm, oko, kor / kore1280
  85. Lampung language (abl/lamp1242, ljp/lamp1243): abl, kge, ljp / lamp1241
  86. Latvian language (lav/latv1249): ltg, lvs, lav / latv1249
  87. Limba language (lia/west2450, lma/east2387): lma, lia / limb1267
  88. Lithuanian language (lit/lith1251): olt, lit / lith1251
  89. Lower Burdekin languages (ljx/yuru1264): ljx, xbb, "Yuru" / bind1234, bind1235, bind1236
  90. Lowland Peruvian Quechua (quk/chac1250, qvs/sanm1289): qvs, quk / sanm1289, chac1250, none
  91. Luwian language (xlu/cune1239): hlu, xlu / luvi1235
  92. Ma'ya language (bhc/biga1238, kgb/kawe1240, lcc/lege1241, slz/maya1282, wuy/wauy1237, xmx/made1253): xmx, bhc, wuy, kgb, lcc, slz / none, raja1257
  93. Madurese language (mad/nucl1460): kkv, mad / madu1247
  94. Malagasy language (bhr/bara1369, bjq/sout3125, bmm/nort2890, bzc/sout2920, msh/masi1268, plt/plat1254, skg/saka1291, tdx/tand1256, tkg/tesa1236, txy/tano1246, xmv/anta1255, xmw/tsim1257): skg, bzc, bmm, plt, bhr, msh, xmv, tdx, txy, mlg, tkg, xmw / mala1537
  95. Malak-Malak language (mpb/mull1237, woa/tyar1236): woa, mpb / nort1547, mull1237, tyar1236
  96. Malay language (zlm/mala1479): zmi, dup, kxd, meo, ind, lrt, zsm, jak, orn, zlm, ors, tmw / indo1326
  97. Manambu language (mle/mana1298): none, mle / kwom1264, mana1298
  98. Mandaic language (mid/nucl1706, myz/clas1253): myz, mid / mand1468
  99. Mandobo language (aax/mand1444, bwp/mand1445): aax, bwp / mand1473
  100. Manenguba language (bqz/baka1273, bsi/bass1260, bss/akoo1248, mbo/mboc1235): bsi, bss, bqz, mbo / mane1268
  101. Mantharta language (dhr/dhar1247, wri/wari1262): wri, iin, dhr, dze / mant1266
  102. Mantsi language (nty/mant1265, yso/nisi1238): nty, yso / nisi1238, mant1265
  103. Marathi language (mar/mara1378, omr/oldm1244): omr, mar / mara1378, oldm1244
  104. Mari language (mhr/east2328, mrj/west2392): mrj, mhr, chm / mari1278
  105. Marranj language (zma/mand1416, zmr/mara1386): amy, zma, zmr / waga1259
  106. Marringarr language (zmg/mart1254, zmt/mari1419): zmg, zmt / mari1418
  107. Marrithiyel language (mfr/mari1424, xru/marr1256, zmd/mari1422, zmj/mari1421, zmm/mari1417, zmy/mari1423): zmy, zmd, zmm, xru, zmj, mfr / mari1420
  108. Mashan Miao (hma/sout1556, hmm/cent1394, hmp/nort1546, hmw/west1507): hmw, hmp, hma, hmm / mash1238
  109. Matlatzinca language (mat/sanf1262, ocu/atzi1235): mat, ocu / matl1258
  110. Mazahua language (maz/cent2144, mmc/mich1246): maz, mmc / maza1293
  111. Mazatecan languages (mau/huau1238): vmp, vmy, mau, mzi, maj, maq, maa, vmz / maza1295
  112. Meithei language (mni/mani1292): omp, mni / mani1292
  113. Mexicanero language (azd/east2695, azn/west2778, nln/dura1245): azn, azd, nln / dura1246
  114. Midland Mixe (mxq/juqu1238, neq/nort2939, pxm/quet1239): neq, pxm, mxq / midl1241
  115. Mijikenda language (coh/chon1287, dug/duru1249, nyf/giry1241, seg/sege1246): nyf, seg, dig, dug, coh / miji1238
  116. Minoan language (omn/mino1236): omn, lab / mino1236
  117. Moken language (mkm/mokl1243, mwt/moke1242): mkm, mwt / moke1241
  118. Mon language (mnw/monn1252, omx/oldm1242): omx, mnw / monn1252, oldm1242
  119. Mongolian language (khk/halh1238, mvf/peri1253): mvf, khk, mon / mong1331
  120. Nagumi language (ngv/nagu1244, nnx/ngon1275): ngv, nnx / nagu1244
  121. Nambu language (mxw/namo1246, ncm/namb1293, nex/neme1244, nkm/nama1267, nmx/nama1266): nqn, mxw, nex, nkm, ncm, nmx / namb1292
  122. Ndengereko language (ndg/nden1248, rui/rufi1234): rui, ndg / nden1248
  123. Nepali language (nep/nepa1252): dty, npi, nep / nepa1252
  124. Newari language (new/newa1246): nwx, new / newa1246
  125. Ngarinyin language (ung/ngar1284): ajn, ung / ngar1284
  126. Ngarluma language (nrl/ngar1287, vka/kari1304): vka, nrl, none / ngar1293, pidg1247
  127. Ngbandi language (deq/dend1242, gyg/gbay1278, mgn/mban1262, nbw/sout2784, ngb/nort2774, yky/yako1252): gyg, deq, mgn, nbw, yky, ngb / ngba1290
  128. Ngiri language (biz/balo1261, lie/liki1240, mmz/maba1270, ndw/ndob1238): mmz, lie, ndw, biz / libi1251, balo1261
  129. Nisu language (nos/east2349, nsd/sout2723, nsf/farn1234, nsv/sout3128, yiv/nort2718): nsv, nsf, yiv, nos, nsd / nisu1237
  130. Northern Sotho language (brl/birw1238, nso/pedi1238, two/tswa1237): two, nso, brl / nort3233
  131. Norwegian language (nor/norw1258): nno, nob, nor / norw1258
  132. Nottoway language (ntw/nott1246): ntw, nwy / mehe1242, nott1246
  133. Nyungar language (nys/nyun1247): pnj, xwj, wxw, xbp, xgg, nys, xrg / nyun1247
  134. Ohlone languages (css/sout2986, cst/nort2969): css, krb, cst / cost1250
  135. Old Turkic language (otk/oldt1247): oui, otk / oldu1238
  136. One language (aun/molm1235, oin/ineb1235, okk/kwam1254, onk/kabo1248, onr/nort2907, osu/sout2932): osu, onk, okk, oin, aun, onr / onee1245
  137. Oriya language (dso/desi1235, ori/nucl1284, ort/adiv1239, ory/oriy1255): ort, dso, spv, ory, ori / macr1269
  138. Oromo language (gaz/west2721): gaz, ssn, hae, orc, gax, orm / nucl1736
  139. Ovambo language (amb/ambo1249, lnb/mbal1255, nne/ngan1300): lnb, nne, ndo, kwm, kua / ndon1253
  140. Pame language (pbs/cent2145, pmq/nort2984, pmz/sout2999): pmq, pmz, pbs / pame1260
  141. Pankararú language (pax/pank1235, paz/pank1250): paz, pax / pank1235, pank1250
  142. Pashto language (pbt/sout2649, pbu/nort2646): wne, pbu, pbt, pst, pus / pash1269
  143. Persian language (deh/dehw1238, drw/darw1234, phv/pahl1240, tnf/tang1374): haz, aiq, bhh, pes, jpr, phv, fas, prs, tgk, deh, jdt, ttt / fars1254
  144. Piaroa language (pid/piar1243): pid, wpc / piar1243, maco1238
  145. Polish language (pol/poli1260): szl, pol, "Silesian" / poli1260
  146. Punjabi language (pan/panj1256, pnb/west2386): pnb, pan / panj1256, west2386
  147. Purépecha language (pua/west2631, tsz/pure1242): pua, tsz / tara1323
  148. Qo Xiong language (mmr/west2430, muq/east2371): muq, mmr / nort2748
  149. Romani language (rmm/roma1332): rmy, rmw, rmf, rmo, rml, rmc, rmn, rom / roma1329
  150. Sak language (ckh/chak1270, kdv/kado1242, lba/luia1234, tcl/tama1328): tcl, lba, zkn, ckh, zkd, kdv / sakk1239
  151. Samo language (Burkina) (sbd/sout2844, stj/maty1235, sym/maya1281): sym, sbd, stj / mand1437
  152. Sekele language (mwj/mali1287, oun/oung1238, vaj/vase1234): mwj, gfx, oun, vaj / oung1238
  153. Senara language (seq/sena1262, shz/syen1235): shz, seq / sena1262
  154. Sikiana language (kbb/kaxu1237, sik/siki1239): kbb, sik / siki1239, kaxu1237, paux1235
  155. Siona language (snn/sion1247, teb/tete1252): teb, snn / sion1247
  156. Southern Burun language (jum/jumj1238, mfz/maba1273): jum, mfz / maba1272
  157. Southern Quechua (qwc/clas1251): qxp, qul, quz, qve, quy, qxu, qwc, quh, cqu, qus / quec1389
  158. Subanon language (laa/lapu1236, sfe/east2694, skn/koli1253, stb/nort2885, suc/west2557, syb/cent2089): sfe, skn, laa, stb, suc, syb / suba1253
  159. Sundanese language (bac/badu1237, sun/sund1252): bac, sun / sund1251
  160. Supyire language (seb/shem1239, spp/supy1237): seb, spp / supy1237
  161. Swahili language (swc/cong1236, swh/swah1253): wmw, swh, ymk, swc, swa / swah1254
  162. Tagalog language (tgl/taga1270): fil, tgl, "Filipino" / taga1280, taga1269
  163. Taita language (dav/tait1250, tga/saga1262, tvs/tave1240): tvs, tga, dav / tait1249, tave1240
  164. Tamil language (oty/oldt1248, tam/tami1289): oty, ptq, tam / tami1289, oldt1248
  165. Tarahumara language (tac/lowl1265, tar/cent2131, tcu/sout2972, thh/nort2956, twr/sout2971): twr, tac, thh, tcu, tar / tara1321
  166. Tatar language (tat/tata1255): sty, tat, "Siberian Tatar" / tata1255
  167. Tehuacan–Zongolica Nahuatl (nhq/huax1236, nhy/nort2958, nhz/sant1423, npl/sout2973, nsu/sier1248): nhy, nlv, nhz, npl, nsu, nhq / tehu1243, huax1236, nort2958
  168. Tenetehara language (gub/guaj1255, tqb/temb1276): tqb, gub / temb1276
  169. Teor-Kur language (kuv/kurr1245, tev/teor1240): tev, kuv / teor1239
  170. Tharu languages (soi/sonh1238, the/chit1274, thl/dang1260, thq/koch1247, thr/rana1246, tkb/buks1238, tkt/kath1250): tkb, soi, the, thq, tkt, thr, thl / thar1284
  171. Tiwa languages (lax/tiwa1253): twf, pie, tix / tiwa1254
  172. Tlapanec language (tcf/mali1285, tpc/azoy1236, tpl/tlac1237, tpx/acat1239): tpx, tpc, tpl, tcf / subt1249
  173. Tocharian languages (txb/tokh1243, xto/tokh1242): txb, xto / tokh1241
  174. Tonga language (Zambia and Zimbabwe) (dov/domb1246, toi/tong1318): dov, toi, "Dombe" / tong1318
  175. Trique language (trc/copa1237, trq/sanm1298, trs/chic1273): trq, trs, trc / triq1251
  176. Tshangla language (kkf/kala1376, tsj/tsha1245): kkf, tsj / tsha1247
  177. Tshwa language (hio/tsoa1238, tyu/kuaa1238): tyu, hio / tshw1239
  178. Tucano language (arj/arap1275, tuo/tuca1252, yui/yuru1263): tuo, arj / arap1275, pisa1245, tuca1252
  179. Tujia language (tji/nort2732, tjs/sout2739): tji, tjs / tuji1244
  180. Tupi language (tpk/tupi1272, tpn/tupi1273, tpw/tupi1274): tpk, tpn, yrl, tpw / subg1261
  181. Tutchone language (tce/sout2957, ttm/nort2941): ttm, tce / tutc1236
  182. Umpila language (kbe/kanj1260, kuy/kuuk1238, ump/umpi1239): kuy, ump, kbe / nort2759
  183. Upper Arrernte language (aer/east2379, aly/alya1239, amx/anma1239, are/west2441, axl/lowe1436): axe, aer, are, aly, adg, amx / aran1263
  184. Uradhi language (amz/atam1239, urf/urad1239): yty, yxm, xgd, amz, avm, urf / urad1238, guda1244, urad1239, yinw1236
  185. Uzbek language (uzn/nort2690, uzs/sout2699): uzs, uzn, uzb / uzbe1247
  186. Votic language (vot/voti1245): zkv, vot, "Krevinian" / voti1245
  187. Wagaya language (wga/waga1260, yil/yind1248): wga, yil / bula1255, ngar1291
  188. Wanka Quechua (qvw/huay1241, qxw/jauj1238): qxw, qvw / jauj1237
  189. Wardaman language (dgn/dago1245, jng/yang1288, wrr/ward1246): dgn, jng, wrr / yang1287
  190. Warrungu language (gdc/gugu1253, wrg/waru1264): gdc, wrg / nort2757
  191. West Teke language (iyx/yaka1274, lli/teke1277, tyi/teke1281, tyx/teke1276): tyx, lli, iyx, tyi / west2839
  192. Western Desert language (ktd/koka1244, kux/kuka1246, mpj/mart1256, pii/pini1245, pti/pint1251): mpj, ntj, kdd, ktd, kux, ant, piu, pti, pii, xny, pjt / wati1241
  193. Wetarese language (adb/adab1235, apx/aput1237, ilu/iliu1237, tzn/tugu1245, wet/pera1257): tzn, adb, ilu, wet, apx / weta1245
  194. Wolof language (wof/gamb1252, wol/nucl1347): wof, wol / wolo1247
  195. Worrorra language (unp/woro1255): xun, jbw, xgu, xud, wro, unp / west2435, ungg1242, winj1235, woro1255, umii1235
  196. Wunambal language (gma/gamb1251, gww/kwin1241, vmi/miwa1242, wil/wila1240, wub/wuna1249): vmi, wil, gma, gww, wub / nort2751
  197. Yamba language (kwq/kwak1264, yam/yamb1251): kwq, yam, "Kwak (Nigeria)" / yamb1251
  198. Yaminawa language (mcd/shar1245, mts/yora1241, swo/shan1283, yaa/yami1256, ywn/yawa1260): swo, mts, ywn, mcd, yaa / yami1255
  199. Yaru Quechua (qur/yana1272, qva/ambo1252, qvn/nort2980, qxt/sant1433): qvn, qvp, qur, qxt, qva / yaru1256, paca1245
  200. Yauyos–Chincha Quechua (qux/yauy1235, qxc/chin1483): qux, qxc / yauy1235, chin1483, none
  201. Yiddish language (ydd/east2295, yih/west2361): yih, ydd, yid / yidd1255
  202. Yimas language (yee/yima1243): yee, none / yima1243, yima1235, yima1244
  203. Yine language (mpd/mach1268, pib/yine1238): pib, mpd / mach1268, yine1238

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