

This user was, until July 2007, a curator in Botany in the Ulster Museum, Belfast, Northern Ireland. His main interest was in the algae, however he was also interested in lichens and birds. He intended to read the Tutorial some time! but it is a long job!

Why study algae? "To be useless, various and abstruse is a sufficient recommendation of a science to make it pleasing to me." (- Harvey, W.H. in reference to algology as noted in Fisher, L. 1869. Memoir of W.H.Harvey.).

Favorite words: schadenfreude; obfuscation.

It has been said that I am a "hyperpedant".

Osborne 10:35, 16 July 2010 (UTC)

This user lives in the United Kingdom.

Change of username (due to Windows 10) now: Phycodrys.


Morton, O. 1974. Marine algae of Sandeel Bay, Co. Down. Ir. Nat. J. 18: 32 - 35.

Morton, O. 1976. Marine Algae in Copeland Bird Observatory Report.

Guiry, M.D. and Morton, O. 1976. Schottera nicaeensis (Lamour. ex Duby) Guiry et Hollenberg from Co. Antrim. Ir. Nat. J. 18: 285 - 286.

Morton, O. 1977. A note on W.H.Harvey's algae in the Ulster Museum. Ir. Nat. J. 19: 26.

Morton, O. 1977. Sylvanus Wear's algal collection in the Ulster Museum. Ir. Nat. J. 19: 92 - 93.

Morton, O. 1978. Lemanea in the north of Ireland. Ir. Nat. J. 19: 205.

Morton, O. 1978. Some interesting records of algae from Ireland. Ir. Nat. J. 19: 240 - 242.

McMillan, N.F. and Morton, O. 1979. A Victorian album of algae from the north of Ireland with specimens collected by William Sawers. Ir. Nat. J. 19: 384 - 387.

Morton, O. 1980. Three algal collections in the Ulster Museum herbarium. Ir. Nat. J. 20: 33 - 37.

Morton, O. 1981. American algae collected by W.H.Harvey and others, in the Ulster Museum Herbarium. Taxon 30: 867 - 868.

Guiry, M.D., Irvine, L.M. and Morton, O. 1981. Notes on Irish marine algae - 4. Gymnogongrus devoniensis (Greville) Schotter (Rhodophyta). Ir. Nat. J. 20: 288 - 292.

Morton, O. and Chamberlain, Y.M. 1985. Records of some epiphytic coralline algae in north-east of Ireland. Ir. Nat. J. 21: 436 - 440.

Morton, O. 1988. Lichens on Lighthouse Island. Copeland Bird Observatory Annual Report for 1986.p.44.

Morton, O. and Chamberlain, Y.M. 1989. Further records of encrusting coralline algae on the north-east coast of Ireland. Ir. Nat. J. 23: 102 - 106.

Morton, O. 1992 Charophyta. In: Hackney, P. (ed) Stewart and Corry's Flora of the North-East of Ireland. Institute of Irish Studies, Belfast. 419 pp.

Morton, O. 1994. Marine Algae of Northern Ireland. Ulster Museum, Belfast. ISBN 0 900761 28 8

Morton, O. 2003. The marine macroalgae of Co. Donegal, Ireland. Bull. Ir. biogeog. Soc. No. 27: 3 - 164

Time is passing. As the Ulster Museum is now closed to the public and I have been moved, with others, to temporary buildings in Cultra, Co.Down, Northern Ireland,there is little need of me! I therefore retired on the 4th July 2007 (something else happened on the 4th July - what was it?). Thanks and best wishes to all who have helped me add to Wikipedia. By-by 16.05 Osborne 15:05, 27 June 2007 (UTC)

Articles created or worked on:-

Aegopodium podagaria Ground elder

Anthriscus sylvestris

Apoglossum ruscifolium


Alaria esculenta

Alexanders is a cultivated flowering plant, Smyrnium olusatrum L.


Arabidopsis thaliana


Ascophyllum nodosum (redirected from)Knotted wrack


Belfast Naturalists' Field Club


Bog Meadows

Brongniartella byssoides (Vertebrata byssoides)


Brown Algae

Cardamine flexuosa

Cardamine hirsuta

Cardamine pratensis

Carolus Linnaeus

C.Douglas Deane






Chondrus crispus (redirected from) Irish Moss

Chorda filum

Clare Island



Colias croceus

Colpomenia peregrina


Copeland Islands

Corallina officinalis

County Donegal

County Tyrone


Cymbalaria muralis


Palmaria palmata Dulse

Ehrharta erecta


Eifion Jones

Elmwood Hall


Flora of Australia

Flora of Ireland



Fucus ceranoides

Fucus distichus

Fucus guiryi

Fucus spiralis

Fucus serratus

Fucus vesiculosus

Gastroclonium reflexum

Green algae

John William Heslop Harrison

Halidrys siliquosa

Heterosigma akashiwo

History of phycology

Hypoglossum hypoglossoides

Impatiens glandulifera


Isle of Man

John Templeton (Botanist)

John Wesley


Laburnum alpinum


Lactuca muralis (wall lettuce), or Mycelis muralis,


Lapsana communis

Larne Lough


Life history

Lisburn Road

Macrocystis stellatus


Malone Road

Marsh Fritillary

Melobesia membranacea

Membranoptera alata

Natterjack toad

The Netherlands

Northern Ireland

Oxalis corniculata

Palmaria palmata redirected to Dulse

Phycodrys rubens

Pelvetia canaliculata

Phyllophora crispa

Phyllophora sicula

Plocamium cartilagineum


Polysiphonia atlantica

Polysiphonia brodiaei

Polysiphonia ceramiaeformis

Polysiphonia devoniensis

Polysiphonia elongata

Polysiphonia fibrate

Polysiphonia foetidissima synonymous Vertebrata byssoides

Polysiphonia fucoides = Vertebrata fucoides

(Polysiphonia harveyi) = ''Melanothamnus harveyi''- Mooved as requested 10th Aug 2017.



Pteridium aquilinum

Raymond Piper

Receptacle - Article opened by self.

Red algae

Robert Lloyd Praeger


Saccorhiza polyschides updated 29.07.2008 - more work reequired.

Scorzoneroides autumnalis

Sea balls

Schmitzia hiscockiana

Silene dioica

Spermothamnion repens



Tory Island "Tussilago farfara"


Ulster Museum

Ulva lactuca - updated: 29.07.2008.


Whitby Jet

William Arthur Watts

William Alexander Maguire

William Thompson (naturalist)

William West Irish Botanist

Wrack (science)

And more and more - too much!