

Hello!... Thanks for visiting my page / entry

Me playing bass

Personal info

I am Brazilian, from Belo Horizonte, later moving to São Paulo and then Europe.

Professional info

I have an Electrical Engineering doctorate from USP, and I also studied at UNICAMP and UFMG. My areas of expertise are Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision.

Me studying at the CEFALA, UFMG
This user is a mad scientist.

Scout Patches

Computer Stuff
C-4This user is an expert C programmer.
c++-3This user is an advanced C++ programmer.
asmThis user can program in assembly language.
pro-1This user is a beginner Prolog programmer.
PerlThis user is just another Perl hacker.
re-NThis user writes regular expressions to find everything around the house.
PHPThis user can code PHP.
SQL-4This user is an expert SQL programmer.
This user can program in Python.
MATThis user is a MATLAB programmer and user.
This user hacks happily with Emacs.

This user is an advanced LaTeX user.
Search Wikipedian programmers
This user contributes using Linux
This user maintains a blog called Sufficient and Necessary Conditions
This user prefers the metric system.
ubx-1This user is a userbox novice.
Flag of BrazilThis user is a Wikipedian in Brazil and loving it!