


Mightyoat is the online avatar chosen to represent this particular user on Wikipedia. Mighty Oat is the name of a flapjack I'm a student at the University of Bristol (which is in England), studying Computer Science, and I contribute to Wikipedia whenever I'm avoiding work. If you want to talk to me (who knows why), my talk page is a good place to do it, if that's not good enough for you, you'll have to find some other way (it's part of the fun).

Currently a member of the EasyOS project

This page

  • Is happy to be edited by anyone - if you think a change will improve it, then be bold, and change it!
  • In my opinion helps the encyclopedia
  • Is stolen (almost completely, and in the absence of time to spend designing my own) from User:ZoFreX who stole from User:mindspillage (who in turn stole it from User:Talrias)
vn-0This user page has been vandalized 0 times.


Significant edits

  • None really, though I do plan to some time in the future
  • So far my contribution has been mainly in terms of anti-vandalism and slight Grammar Nazi-ism

False wisdom


-- Me

"The prime directive of Wikipedia is to write a free encyclopedia. The "community" exists in order to support that goal, not the other way around."

-- FCYTravis

Gratuitous userboxen

This user lives in England.
This user's time zone is GMT.
This user observes Daylight Saving Time.
cvg-3This user is an advanced gamer.
This user is interested in video game development.
Web This user has a website.
prog-3This user is an advanced programmer.
C-3This user is an advanced C programmer.
c++-2This user is an intermediate C++ programmer.
hsThis user can program in Haskell.
Java-3This user is an advanced Java programmer.
verilog-1This user is a beginning Verilog chip designer.
PHP-2This user is an intermediate PHP programmer.
HTML-3This user is an advanced HTML user.
mysql-2This user is an intermediate MySQL programmer.
This user is an advanced mathematician.
{{t|1}}This user knows roughly how a template works.
xhtml-2This user is an intermediate XHTML user.


Released into public domain
I agree to release my text and image contributions, unless otherwise stated, into the public domain. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under public domain terms, please check the multi-licensing guide.