Who am I?
Hi all (that be ""howdy y'all if you know I was born in BIG D!) My name is McKay. I live in Portland, OR. I am .47 miles (according to Trimet, which offers no bus and doesn't mention the 8% grade!) up in the beautiful southwestern hills.
I have been interested in Philosophy and Logic since I was 8 yrs old. In 1972 I took 2 semesters of philosophy at Iowa Western CC.
I have been a long time advocate of Ayn Rand (since HS in Dallas, TX in 1964, but am more Libertarian than Objectivist. I did Werner Erhard's "est" in Denver in 1978, the culmination of years of yoga, meditation and self-actualization.
I made Jesus my LORD and Savior in 1982. Have made broad and deep studies
in the Bible. (The WORD of THE GOD)
I am particularly interested in assisting with regard to WP:Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Aristotelianism, Formal Logic, and issues in Objectivism.
Additionally I am highly skilled at proofreading.
BUT don't forget them damn Yankees, or How 'bout them Cowboys, and rise with them Blazers!
You can reach me at
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.~ Reinhold Niebuhr ~