Step-by-step instructions for performing common procedures in Audacity (for the current stable version 1.2.6).
This might be helpful to people who are un-familiar with the use of audio editing software in general, and Audacity in particular.
- Converting a stereo recording (2 tracks) to mono (1 track):
- Split the left and right channels. With the stereo track displayed in the Audacity window, click on the title of the track Control Panel (the grey area to the left of the blue waveform display). From the pop-down menu that appears, click "Split Stereo Track".
- Delete one of the resulting two mono tracks (it doesn't matter which one, as you're only deleting a redundant extra copy of your voice). Click on the X in the top left corner of the track control panel.
- Convert the track to mono. Click on the title of the track Control Panel again, and from the menu, select "Mono".
- Raising the overall level of a recording (making it louder, so the listener doesn't have to turn up the volume to hear it):
- Select the entire track. Either (from the main menu bar) do Edit > Select > All or click anywhere in the track Control Panel that isn't a button or control. The entire track background will turn darker, indicating that it's all been selected.
- Apply the "Amplify" tool. From the main menu bar, do Effect > Amplify. In the Amplify dialogue box, the "New Peak Amplitude" should be 0 (-0.0) and the "Allow clipping" button should be un-set (or off). Click the "OK" button. (Using these settings, Audacity automatically ensures that the level isn't too high).