User:Luffy sogeking
Hi welcome to my page, hope that any articles started or edited by me can be useful.
My name is Irman Novriandi
I am an employee in a private company, majoring in civil engineering industries.
I am interested in aviation, geography, history, civil engineering, telecommunication and traveling.
I have several blog that is :
transportation information blog blog1
miscellaneous diary blog blog2
I'm also have several websites :
transportinfotransportinfo (founder & co-admin) (closed)
curvefusioncurvefusion (co-founder & admin) (closed)
reachandridereach and ride (founder & admin) (closed)
irman novriandi irman novriandi
I am also available in several forums such as :
Bismania : ID = hishigi mibu and ulquiorra_cifer
Detikforum : ID = hishigi mibu
Indoflyer : ID = hishigi mibu
Kaskus : ID = hishigi mibu
Skyscrapercity : ID = hishigi mibu
Semboyan35 : ID = hishigi mibu
My first created page in Wikipedia is an article about West Bandung Regency.
Articles started by me :
- Jhonlin Air Transport
- Nusawiru Airport
- Blimbingsari Airport
- Trunojoyo Airport
- Wamena Airport
- Tambolaka Airport
- Aek Godang Airport
- Ferdinand Lumban Tobing Airport
- Sei Bati Airport
- Melalan Airport
- Nanga Pinoh Airport
- Robert Atty Bessing Airport
- Buli Airport
- Tampa Padang Airport
- Pogogul Airport
- Buol Airport
- Sultan Bantilan Airport
- Kaltim Airlines
- Sky Aviation (Indonesia)
- Matahora Airport
- Gusti Syamsir Alam Airport
- Aviastar (Indonesia)
- Matak Airport
- Ranai Airport
- Pinang Kampai Airport
- Penggung Airport
- Tasikmalaya Airport
- Iswahyudi Airport
- Depati Parbo Airport
- Batik Air
- Gatari Air Service
- Gamawan Fauzi
- Tifatul Sembiring
- Mohammad Mahfud
- Nur Mahmudi Ismail
- Awang Faroek Ishak
- Ahmad Heryawan
- Tower Bersama Infrastructure
- Jakarta Outer Ring Road 2
- Second United Indonesia Cabinet
- Ciroyom Station
- Jatinegara Station
- Prujakan Station
- Kejaksan Station
- Malang Station
- Tawang Station
- Lempuyangan Station
- Cilacap Station
- Tugu railway station
- Pasar Turi Station
- Gubeng Station
- Padalarang Station
- Kiaracondong Station
- Bandung Station
- Pasar Senen Station
Templates started by me :