About me
Light Copy Editing, proof-reading, and wiki-technicalities (still learning) cheerfully performed.
I certainly am glad that the never-ever-any-advertising partisans have saved us from obnoxious banner commercials on every page. Now we have obnoxious banner non-commercials—hey, just like PBS!—on every page. "Ad portals", anyone?--LCE(talk contribs) 21:38, 12 November 2010 (UTC)
Templates to remember
- {{unindent}} draws line back to left margin, for involved talk chains.
- {{Failed verification|date=June 2008}} superscript "not in citation given"
- {{Citation needed|date=August 2009}}
- {{dead link|date=May 2011}} before </ref>
- {{Who|date=December 2010}}
- {{button | text on button }}