
User:Kmweber/Servantship Reform

This essay presents a new method of approving or removing servants.

All servants would be initially confirmed via a process quite similar to the current RfA process. However, instead of relying on a bureaucrat to gauge "consensus", the confirmation is done with a straight-up vote, and if after a week the candidate has reached some high threshold (say, 80% of all votes recorded, after discounting socks, SPAs, and perhaps anons and accounts not meeting some minimum age or edit-count threshold) that person is made an servant.

Following this, the confirmation page is kept intact and moved to a "Persistent Support" section. From this point on out, any user account may vote his confidence or non-confidence on the servant's "Persistent Support" page. Votes from accounts that have been inactive for some time (an objective, absolute threshold) may be removed, as may those from user accounts not permitted to support (bots, puppets/doppelgangers/other multis, SPAs, and whatever else). These pages are categorized by the day of the week on which the servant's initial confirmation passed. Once a week, on that day, the eligible votes are tallied and if the servant does not continue to meet the same support threshold then a note is made. If the servant fails to meet the threshold for three consecutive weeks, servantship is lost.